You are a data scientist working for a utilities company. You have developed an algorith that detects anomalies from a utility reader in the grid. The size of the model artifact is about 2 GB, and you are trying to store it in the model catalog. Which THREE interfaces would you use to save the model artifact into the model catalog?
What preparation steps are required to access an Oracle AI service SDK from a Data Science notebook session?
You have just received a new data set from a colleague. You want to quickly find out summary information about the data set, such as the types of features, total number of observations, and data distributions, Which Accelerated Data Science (ADS) SDK method from the AD&Dataset class would you use?
As a data scientist, you are working on a global health data set that has data from more than 50 countries. You want to encode three features, such as 'countries', 'race', and 'body organ' as categories. Which option would you use to encode the categorical feature?
You have created a conda environment in your notebook session. This is the first time you are working with published conda environments. You have also created an Object Storage bucket with permission to manage the bucket Which TWO commands are required to publish the conda environment?