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Which technology helps in calculating and recommending discounts for single payments in Oracle Payments? (Choose the best Answer.)
Which three Cash Management infolets do you find in the Analytics section of the home page? (Choose three.)
Which process involves the comparison of planned versus actual figures by designing re-ports with the help of state-of-the-art reporting tools? (Choose the best Answer.)
Your organization has decided to use the automatic reconciliation feature to reconcile bank statement lines with system transactions. Which three components will be useful for the auto-matic reconciliation of bank statements with system transactions? (Choose three.)
Transaction Grouping Rules: These are rules that determine how system transactions are grouped together for reconciliation purposes. You can group transactions by attributes, such as bank account, currency, transaction type, or payment method.
Tolerance Rules: These are rules that define the acceptable differences between bank statement lines and system transactions for reconciliation purposes. You can define tolerances by amount or percentage, and by bank account or currency.
Which two statements are true about creating case folders within the Customer Statement to Collections business process? (Choose two.)
Billing transactions can belong to multiple case folders, which means that a single invoice can be part of more than one issue or dispute.
Billing transactions can be of multiple currencies, which means that you can include invoices with different currencies in the same case folder.
Billing transactions must belong to the same bill-to customer, which means that you cannot mix invoices from different customers in the same case folder.