Which tool do you use to preview the workings of your tax configuration before you per-form tax calculations on live transactions in a subledger application? (Choose the best Answer.)
Your organization follows the integrated invoice imaging solution to scan and process sup-plier invoices. Steve is a Payables clerk and his job is to regularly review the invoices created from an invoice image that has invalid or missing dat
a. In which status can these invoices be found? (Choose the best Answer.)
John is working as a Cash Manager for Glenn Systems and regularly uses the Unreconciled infolet to review the unreconciled Bank Statement Lines and System Transactions. He is not able to find the details of some transactions on this infolet because there is a limitation for the number of days for which the data appears on this infolet. Identify the number of days for which data appears on this infolet.? (Choose the best Answer.)
Which three attributes can be used as selection criteria when submitting a payment process request? (Choose three.)
Invoice Type: This attribute allows you to select invoices based on their type, such as standard, credit memo, debit memo, prepayment, or interest.
Pay Through Date: This attribute allows you to select invoices based on their due date or discount date. Only invoices that are due or eligible for discount on or before the pay through date are selected.
Your organization has decided to use the automatic reconciliation feature to reconcile bank statement lines with system transactions. Which three components will be useful for the auto-matic reconciliation of bank statements with system transactions? (Choose three.)
Transaction Grouping Rules: These are rules that determine how system transactions are grouped together for reconciliation purposes. You can group transactions by attributes, such as bank account, currency, transaction type, or payment method.
Tolerance Rules: These are rules that define the acceptable differences between bank statement lines and system transactions for reconciliation purposes. You can define tolerances by amount or percentage, and by bank account or currency.