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When using Workforce Compensation and creating budgets, your organization wants the budget amounts to be determined by employee eligible salaries for each manager. What budgeting level would you need to select?
Worker-Level budgetingis the correct answer. This budgeting method allows you to determine budget amounts by employee eligible salaries for each manager.
You have run a payroll process and when verifying the results, you noticed that a large portion of the population was processed incorrectly. What are two ways you can correct this information?
Reversal and Rollback are two ways you can correct information that was processed incorrectly during a payroll process. Reversal enables you to reverse the results of a payroll run for a specific population or for all employees. Rollback allows you to reverse the results for only those employees who were processed incorrectly.
Which is the first critical path of payroll processing?
The first critical path of payroll processing is to calculate payroll. This involves calculating wages, deductions, and taxes for all employees in the system, taking into account any payroll rules, policies, or other regulations. After calculating payroll, the results can then be archived, payments can be made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), and any prepayments can be calculated.
Which one of the following terms describes when an employee decides which benefit options they wish to select from a plan?
An election is when an employee decides which benefit options they wish to select from a plan.