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An employee just got requested to be a mentor and is excited for the opportunity. The employee looks up the mentee's talent profile but does not know how to begin establishing a relationship with her mentee. The employee has decided to reach out to the HR Business partner, and was informed that she can do one of the following. What did the HR Business partner ask the employee to do?
amentoring planis a set of goals and tasks that a mentor and a mentee agree to work on during their mentoring relationship.
Your organization has a point of sale system that tracks the time that their store employees work. What two options could you use to the employee's time into element entry?
These are two options that you can use to load employee's time from a point of sale system into element entry in Oracle Payroll.
The payroll manager wants to know what are the three different ways that an element entry can be updated.
What terminology is used to label people who were referred for a job requisition or added to a job requisition but who haven't yet completed their job application?
A prospect is someone who has expressed interest in a job requisition but has not yet applied. A prospect can be referred by an employee, added by a recruiter, or invited by a hiring manager. A prospect can also be someone who has created a profile on a career site but has not yet submitted an application. A prospect can become an applicant by completing and submitting an application for a job requisition.
Other than the employee, which two other users can manage absence records on behalf of the employee?
According to Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1, other than the employee, the HR Specialist and Line Manager can manage the employee's absence records. This includes entering, modifying, and approving absence information.