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Which two statements are true about OML AutoML UI? (Choose two.)
You have created a workspace in Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks and want to share it with collaborators by granting permissions to access your workspace. You want to enable other users to run and modify your notebooks but do not want to provide the ability to schedule jobs that run your notebooks. Which permission type should be granted to this user?
About Workspace Permission Types: Oracle Machine Learning allows three types of permissions. Depending on the permission type, you can allow the user to view or perform different tasks in your workspace, projects, and notebooks. The three types of permissions are listed in the following table along with the actions that are allowed. Permission Types || Actions based on permission > Manager: * Project: Create, update, delete. * Workspace: View only. * Notebooks: Create, update, run, delete, and schedule jobs. > Developer: * Project: View only. * Workspace: View only. * Notebooks: Create, update, run, and delete notebooks that a developer creates only. * Jobs: View and run jobs of shared notebooks only. A developer cannot create jobs for notebooks that are shared. > Viewer: * Project: View only. * Workspace: View only. * Notebooks: View only. * Jobs: View jobs and job runs of shared notebooks only.
Which three are supervised machine learning algorithms? (Choose three.)
Which step is not required to be performed by an administrator when adding a new user to Oracle Machine Learning (OML) Notebooks?
The step that is not required to be performed by an administrator when adding a new user to Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks is providing the user with Autonomous Database client wallet for remote credentials.
The client wallet is only needed for remote access to the database using tools such as SQL Developer or Python. For accessing Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks, the user only needs an OML username and password, which are created by the administrator in the Oracle Machine Learning User Management interface
If you want the output in ansiconsole format, then type the as: SET SQLFORMAT ansiconsole; SELECT * FROM HR.EMPLOYEES command followed by the SQL query;