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Which two methods are valid ways to create request items?
You can create request items manually in a view or by loading an Excel spreadsheet.'' You cannot create request items by loading a text file or by running a batch script with data changes.
Which two statements are true about hierarchy sets?
Comprehensive Explanation: According to the reference, ''Hierarchy sets store the parent-child relationships between nodes of node types defined for a dimension. You can manage multiple hierarchies in a single hierarchy set.'' The other statements are false. Hierarchy sets are not always a component of a viewpoint's data chain, but only when they are selected as a data object for the viewpoint. Shared nodes exist when the same node is used in multiple hierarchy sets, not when the same node type is used.
Which two are valid data sources for importing dimensions?
1. Comma-delimited files: This option is correct because comma-delimited files are supported as a data source for importing dimensions and mappings into Enterprise Data Management Cloud.
2. Registered external applications: This option is correct because registered external applications are supported as a data source for importing dimensions and mappings into Enterprise Data Management Cloud.
According to the Oracle Help Center, you can import dimensions from comma-delimited files or registered external applications using connections. Tab-delimited files and maintenance snapshots are not valid data sources for importing dimensions.
You want to enforce the "four-eyes" principle for your approval policy. How can you do this?
1. Use any approval method and do not select ''Include Submitter'': This option ensures that the submitter of the request cannot also be an approver of the request, which enforces the ''four-eyes'' principle that requires at least two different people to review and approve a request.
2. Use a serial approval method: This option does not guarantee that the submitter is not also an approver, unless the ''Include Submitter'' option is deselected.
3. Use any approval method with at least three different approval groups: This option does not guarantee that the submitter is not also an approver, unless the ''Include Submitter'' option is deselected.
4. Use a parallel approval method: This option does not guarantee that the submitter is not also an approver, unless the ''Include Submitter'' option is deselected.