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What is the main purpose of the Auto-Tiering feature in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage?
The main purpose of the Auto-Tiering feature in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage is to reduce storage costs by automatically moving objects between Standard and Infrequent Access storage tiers based on access patterns. This helps organizations save money by storing less frequently accessed data in a lower-cost storage tier.
Which of the following is NOT a use case suitable for OCI Container Instances?
OCI Container Instances are designed for simpler workloads, whereas running containerized apps at scale on Kubernetes requires a container orchestration platform, which is a different use case.
Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage tier is suitable for data that needs to be accessed quickly and frequently, with a high level of data accessibility and performance?
Standard Storage is the tier in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage that is suitable for data that needs to be accessed quickly and frequently, with a high level of data accessibility and performance. It provides high-performance storage with low latency for data that requires frequent access.
In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service, which storage tier is designed for rarely accessed data that can be restored within hours?
Archive Storage in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service is designed for rarely accessed data that can be restored within hours. It is the most cost-effective storage tier for long-term data retention and archiving purposes.
What is a key feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions?
OCI Functions automatically handles operating system patches and upgrades, ensuring that the functions are secure and up-to-date without requiring manual maintenance from users.