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You have two microservices, A and B running in production. Service A relies on APIs from service B. You want to test changes to service A without deploying all of its dependencies, which includes service B. Which approach should you take to test service A?
The correct answer is: Test using an API mock of service B. To test service A without deploying all of its dependencies, including service B, you can use an API mock of service B. An API mock is a simulated version of the API that mimics the behavior of the actual service. By using an API mock, you can isolate the testing of service A and simulate the responses and behavior of service B's APIs. With an API mock, you can define the expected responses and behavior of service B's APIs, allowing you to test the integration between service A and the mocked version of service B. This approach enables you to verify the functionality of service A without relying on the availability or changes in the actual service B. By decoupling the dependencies and using an API mock, you can perform independent testing of service A, ensuring its functionality in isolation.
Which "Action Type" option is NOT available in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Events rule definition?
Streaming: Send to a stream from Oracle Streaming Service.
Notifications: Send to an Oracle Notification Service topic.
Your organization is developing serverless applications with Oracle Functions. Many functions will need to store state data in a database, which will require using appropriate credentials. However, your corporate security standards mandate encryption of secret information, such as database passwords. How would you address this security requirement?
You have just finished building and compiling the software required to implement the API microservice component. You need to rebuild the API docker image, and plan to tag it as: ocIdevops/api:latest Which docker command would re-create the API docker image?
The correct command to rebuild the API docker image and tag it as OCIdevops/api:latest is: docker build -t OCIdevops/api:latest The docker build command is used to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile. The -t flag is used to specify the name and optionally a tag for the image. In this case, the name of the image is OCIdevops/api and the tag is latest. By running this command, the Docker image will be recreated based on the instructions in the Dockerfile and tagged with the specified name and tag.