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Your company sells engines that are preconfigured by engineering, based on the customer location for which the engine-product is being sold. You must also include a user-manual specific to the customer's language, which represents a separate part number on the configured order.
Which type of Configurator model do you need to create?
Your customer is in the business of selling laptops.
Which three seeded pricing attributes are available when you set up Customer Pricing Profiles for your customer? (Choose three.)
In Configurator Cloud, which response best defines an Explicit statement within Constraint Definition Language?
Model1.Feature1.Option1 IMPLIES Model1.Feature2.Option2
This rule means that if Option1 of Feature1 is selected in Model1, then Option2 of Feature2 must also be selected in Model1. The rule only applies to Model1 and its nodes and attributes.
You want to perform Internal Material Transfer across Business Units and want to capture internal margin as part of revenue for the selling Business Unit.
Which mandatory task would you perform for this requirement?
Sourcing tools enable you to manually create internal material transfer requisition lines in Self Service Procurement and create supply requests from the Manage Item Quantity page. These sourcing tools provide a default source organization and allow access to source organization rankings and available to promise quantities. Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Orchestration works with Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising and Oracle Fusion Inventory Management to identify the source organization rankings based on pre-established rules
Within Oracle Transaction BI Answers, which two tasks would you use the Analysis Editor to perform?
The Analysis Editor is a tool within Oracle Transaction BI Answers that allows you to create and modify analyses. An analysis is a query that you build to retrieve and present data from a subject area. You can use the Analysis Editor to perform various tasks, such as setting criteria, creating prompts and filters, adding views, and formatting results. Setting criteria is the process of selecting columns and applying filters to specify the data you want to retrieve. Creating prompts and filters is the process of adding user input controls and conditions to limit the data displayed in an analysis.