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You are implementing project-driven supply chain functionality. You need to set up movement requests to issue or transfer project material to manage the inventory associated with projects and tasks.
Which two are types of movement requests to issue or transfer project material?
When setting up movement requests in a project-driven supply chain, you need to manage inventory associated with specific projects and tasks. The two correct types of movement requests in this context are:
Statement A: Transfer project material from one subinventory to another -- This is a standard type of movement request in Oracle Cloud, allowing project materials to be transferred between subinventories. It is essential for managing inventory tied to specific projects and tasks, ensuring that materials are available where needed for project execution.
Statement D: Perform manual pick for such movement requests using the project material, common inventory, or inventory from another project -- Manual picking for project-specific material is another supported operation. It allows users to perform manual picks from various sources, such as project material, common inventory, or even inventory from other projects.
Incorrect Statements:
Statement B: Pick transactions are not interfaced specifically by project costing. Although project costing is relevant for tracking costs, it is not the driving factor behind pick transactions.
Statement C: There is no concept of creating a movement receipt line with the 'Project Costing widget' in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud.
In the work execution area, which three infolets are provided to users for instant access?
In the Work Execution area of Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, several infolets provide users with quick access to critical data. The following infolets are available for immediate access:
Work Order Performance: Provides an overview of the performance of work orders against the planned schedule, showing progress and efficiency.
Operation Exception: Highlights any exceptions or issues encountered during operations, enabling quick identification of problems.
Work Order Exception: Displays any issues or exceptions related to work orders, such as delays or material shortages.
Incorrect options:
Scrap and Operation Efficiency are important metrics, but they are not available as standard infolets in the Work Execution area.
Which statement is NOT true about cumulative lead time?
Cumulative lead time is a key concept in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, where it calculates the total time required to manufacture an item. The following points clarify the calculations:
Statement D is incorrect because cumulative lead time does not update the lead time percent at the operation level in the work definition. Instead, cumulative lead time focuses on rolling up the lead times of both make and buy items to provide an overall lead time for the entire production process.
Correct Statements:
Statement A: The system calculates cumulative manufacturing lead time by summing up the lead times of all make items in the production process.
Statement B: At the end of the cumulative lead time calculation process, it updates the lead time attributes of the item, specifically cumulative manufacturing and cumulative total lead times.
Statement C: Cumulative total lead time includes both make and buy item lead times, representing the complete production cycle from procurement to manufacturing.
A Manufacturing Engineer in a plant is creating an alternate manufacturing process for an item using its existing work definitions. After copying from the existing work definition, WD1, to the alternate work definition, WD2, the engineer finds that the operation items were not copied in the alternate manufacturing process WD2.
What is the reason for this?
When creating an alternate work definition (WD2) by copying from an existing one (WD1), if the Item and Structure Name were changed during the creation of WD2, the operation items would not be copied. This is because operation items are tied to specific item structures. Changing the structure results in a disconnect between the original operation items and the new work definition.
Item and Structure Name are critical in ensuring that the operation items (components and materials) are transferred when copying work definitions. If these names are changed, the system does not assume the same items should be used.
In which two places can you create and edit user-defined work order statuses?
User-defined work order statuses can be created and edited in the following areas of Oracle Manufacturing Cloud:
Functional Setup Manager: This is where the configuration of user-defined work order statuses is performed under the 'Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management' setup. Users can define new statuses and configure their behavior.
Work Execution work area tasks: Users can also manage work order statuses directly in the Work Execution area, which is part of the day-to-day management of production orders.
Incorrect options:
Scheduled Processes (A) and Work Definition work area tasks (B) are not areas where work order statuses are defined or edited.