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You are setting up Fusion Manufacturing to support Back-to-Back Fulfillment.
Identify an option that needs to be set for oracle Fusion Planning Central to plan back-to-back item components and resources.
A Manufacturing Engineer in a plant is creating an alternative manufacturing process for an item using its existing Work Definitions. After copying from the existing Work Definition WD1 to the alternative Work Definition WD2, the engineer finds that the operation items were not copied in the alternative manufacturing process WD2.
Identify the reason.
A customer has a distribution warehouse (DW) for After Sales and Service and an in-house manufacturing plant (MP). Sales orders are created and shipped from DW.
Identify the two Sourcing Rules that need to be set for order promising to schedule the order.
A manufacturing plant works for two shifts of 8 hours each. The Manufacturing user wants a work center resource R1 of 4 units to be available during a nonworking time outside the regular shift on a particular day.
Identify the sequence of steps to create a resource exception in the Manage Work Center Resource Calendar page.
Planning Central has collected manufacturing data for a Work Order WO-2045 (Make Item AS1000), where actual duration of work order is 2 days. Item AS1000 manufacturing lead time is 1.25 days.
A plan is run and the Work Order WO-2045 is rescheduled.
Identify the duration of the rescheduled Work Order WO- 2045.