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Which two options are valid for loading data directly into Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)? (Choose two.)
You are running several Linux based operating systems in your on .premises environment that you want to import to OCI as custom images. You can launch your imported images as OCI compute Virtual machines. Which two modes below can be used to launch these imported Linux VMs?
You can use the Console or API to import exported images from Object Storage. To import an image, you need read access to the Object Storage object containing the image.
during the Import you can select the Launch mode:
For custom images where the image format is.oci, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure selects the applicable launch mode based on the launch mode for the source image.
For custom images exported from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure where the image type is QCOW2, selectNative Mode.
Which two resources are available by default when your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy is provisioned?
Your Operations team has recently created a new, standard image that will be used to launch all new application servers in the Finance compartment. The custom image currently exists in the Operations compartment. You have access to manage all-resources in the Finance compartment and do not have access to the Operations compartment.
Which two methods would make the new image available for you to use when deploying new servers in the Finance compartment? (Choose two.)
Which two statements are true about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) DB Systems Data Guard service?
An Oracle Data Guard implementation requires two DB systems, one containing the primary database and one containing the standby database. When you enable Oracle Data Guard for a virtual machine DB system database, a new DB system with the standby database is created and associated with the primary database. For a bare metal DB system, the DB system with the database that you want to use as the standby must already exist before you enable Oracle Data Guard.
Requirement details are as follows:
- Both DB systems must be in the same compartment.
- The DB systems must be the same shape type (for example, if the shape of the primary database is a virtual machine, then the shape of the standby database can be any other virtual machine shape).
- If your primary and standby databases are in different regions, then you must peer the virtual cloud networks (VCNs) for each database.
- Configure the security list ingress and egress rules for the subnets of both DB systems in the Oracle Data Guard association to enable TCP traffic to move between the applicable ports. Ensure that the rules you create are stateful (the default).