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You just got a last minute request to create a set of instances in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The
configuration and installed software are identical for every instance, and you already have a running instance in your OCI tenancy. Which image option allows you to achieve this task with the least amount of effort?
Creating a custom image and using it as a template for the new instances is the option that allows you to achieve this task with the least amount of effort. A custom image is a copy of an existing instance that you can use to launch other instances with the same configuration and installed software. The other options are not suitable for this scenario, as they would require more time and effort to create and customize the instances. Reference: [Custom Images]
Which tool provides a diagram of the implemented topology of all Virtual Cloud Networks (VCNs) in a selected region and tenancy?
Network Visualizer is the tool that provides a diagram of the implemented topology of all VCNs in a selected region and tenancy. Network Visualizer is a feature of the OCI Networking service that allows users to view and manage their network resources in a graphical interface. It can help users understand their network topology, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance. The other options are not tools that provide a diagram of the VCN topology, but rather other features or services of OCI Networking. Reference: [Network Visualizer]
Which TWO statements about the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) File Storage Service are accurate?
File systems use Oracle-managed keys by default. Customer can encrypt data in their file system using their own Vault encryption key. The explanation is that File Storage Service encrypts all data at rest using AES-256 encryption algorithm. By default, File Storage Service uses Oracle-managed keys to encrypt and decrypt data. However, you can also use your own Vault encryption key to encrypt data in your file system. To do so, you need to create a key in Vault and associate it with your file system when you create or update it.
Your DevOps team needs to interconnect the on-premises network to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) resources, such as a managed database that resides in a private subnet. They indicate that they have a low budget and their bandwidth requirements are minimal, so you decide that a site-to-site VPN is the best option.
They provide you with their router public IP address. You need to create an object in OCI that represents this router. Which object would you create?
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE). The explanation is that CPE is an object in OCI that represents your on-premises router or VPN device that connects to your VCN via a site-to-site VPN. A site-to-site VPN is a secure and encrypted connection between your on-premises network and your VCN over the public internet. To set up a site-to-site VPN, you need to create a CPE object with your router's public IP address and other information, such as vendor and platform. You also need to create a Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) object in your VCN and attach it to your VCN. Then, you need to create an IPSec connection between your CPE and DRG, which will create two redundant VPN tunnels for high availability.
You are a system administrator of your company and you are managing a complex environment consisting of compute instances running Oracle Linux on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). It's your task to apply all the latest kernel security updates to all instances.
Which OCI service will allow you to complete this task?
OS Management service is the OCI service that will allow you to complete this task. OS Management service is a service that helps users automate patching and package management for Oracle Linux and Windows instances in OCI. It can also help users monitor and manage system configuration and compliance across their instances. The other options are not suitable for this task, as they do not provide the functionality of OS Management service. Reference: [OS Management Service]