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Given: When creating multiple subnets within a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), security lists are often made to group common services, for example, SSH and RDP (remote access), 80 and 443 (HTTP), and so on.
By default, what is the maximum number of security lists that can be associated with a subnet upon creation?
Which of the following statements is true about the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage serverside encryption?
How can you provide users access to an existing compartment?
Apolicyis a document that specifies who can access which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources that your company has, and how. A policy simply allows agroupto work in certain ways with specific types ofresourcesin a particularcompartment
In general, here's the process an IAM administrator in your organization needs to follow:
Define users, groups, and one or more compartments to hold the cloud resources for your organization.
Create one or more policies, each written in the policy language.
Place users into the appropriate groups depending on the compartments and resources they need to work with.
Provide the users with the one-time passwords that they need in order to access the Console and work with the compartments. For more information,