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Which three load-balancing policies can be used with a backend set?
Your IT department wants to cut down storage costs, but also meet compliance requirements as set up by the central audit group. You have a legacy bucket with both Word does (*.docx) and Excel files (*.xlsx). Your auditors want to retain only Excel files for compliance purposes. Your IT departments wants to keep all other files for 365 days only. What two steps can you take to meet this requirement?
Use object name filters to specify which objects the lifecycle rule applies to.
You can add object filters in any order. Object Lifecycle Management evaluates the precedence of the rules as follows:
Pattern exclusions
Pattern inclusions
Prefix inclusions
Which three are capabilities of the dbaascli utility? (Choose three.)
Using the dbaascli utility, you can:
Change the password of a database user.
Start and stop a database.
Start and stop the Oracle Net listener
Check the status of the Oracle Data Guard configuration.
Perform switchover and failover in an Oracle Data Guard configuration.
Patch the database deployment.
Perform database recovery.
Rotate the master encryption key.
You have a shared file system between two web servers using File Storage Service (FSS) and you were tasked to create a backup plan for this environment to protect the data placed into the shared file system.
What is the recommended approach to create this backup using FSS features?