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Your team implemented a SaaS application that requires a whole system deployment for each new customer. The infrastructure provisioning is already automated via Terraform, and now you have been asked to develop an Ansible playbook to centralize configuration file management and deployment. What is the most effective way to ensure your playbooks are utilizing up-to-date and accurate inventory? (Choose the best answer.)
All the developers in a DevOps team are using the same compartment called 'devops'. There are two IAM groups: 'group-devs' and 'group-ops'. Which of the following IAM policy will give users in both these groups access to manage all resources in the compartment?
One of your development teams has asked for your help to standardize the creation of several compute instances that must be provisioned each day of the week. You initially write several Command Line Interface (CLI) commands with all appropriate configuration parameters to achieve this task later determining this method lacks flexibility. Which command generates a JSON-based template that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) CLI can use to provision these instances on a regular basis? (Choose the best answer.)
Your company has restructured its HR department. As part of this change, you also need to re-organize the compartments within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to align them with the company's new organizational structure. The following change is required:
Compartment Team_x needs to be moved under a new parent compartment, Project_B
The tenancy has the following policies defined for compartments Project_A and Project_B:
Policy1: Allow group G1 to manage instance-family in compartment HR:Project_A
Policy2: Allow group G2 to manage instance-family in compartment HR:Project_B
Which two statements describe the impacts after the compartment Team_x is moved? (Choose two.)
You have been asked to set up connectivity between a client on-premises network and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The requirements are:
Low latency: The applications are financial and require low latency connectivity into OCI. Consistency: The application is not tolerant of performance variation.
Performance: The communications link needs to support up to 1.25 Gbps.
Encryption: The communications link needs to encrypt any data in transit between the on-premises network and OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). The client wants to implement the above with as low a cost as possible, while meeting all of the requirements. What should you suggest? (Choose the best answer.)