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You have been asked to set up connectivity between a client's on-premises network and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The requirements are:
Low latency: The applications are financial and require low latency connectivity into OCI. Consistency: The application isn't tolerant of performance variation.
Performance: The communications link needs to support up to 1.25 Gbps.
Encryption: The communications link needs to encrypt any data in transit between the on-premises network and OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).
The client wants to implement the above with as low a cost as possible, while meeting all of the requirements. What should you suggest? (Choose the best answer.)
Which two statements are TRUE about Object Storage data security and encryption in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)? (Choose two.)
An insurance company has contracted you to help automate their application business continuity plan. They have the application running in eu-frankfurt-1 as the primary site and uk-london-1 as a disaster recovery site. Normally they have a DNS A record associated with the IP address of the primary endpoint in eu-frankfurt-1. In the event of a disaster, they use OCI DNS Zone Management to update the A record and replace it with the IP address of the endpoint in uk-londond-1.
How can you automate the failover process? (Choose the best answer.)
You are working as a Cloud Operations Administrator for your company. They have different Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancies for development and production workloads. Each tenancy has resources in two regions -- uk-london-1 and eu-frankfurt-1. You are asked to manage all resources and to automate all the tasks using OCI Command Line Interface (CLI).
Which is the most efficient method to manage multiple environments using OCI CLI? (Choose the best answer.)
Your team implemented a SaaS application that requires a whole system deployment for each new customer. The infrastructure provisioning is already automated via Terraform, and now you have been asked to develop an Ansible playbook to centralize configuration file management and deployment.
What is the most effective way to ensure your playbooks are utilizing up-to-date and accurate inventory? (Choose the best answer.)