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You should regularly run reports to protect against fraud.
Which task do you use to select the attributes to be monitored for a supplier model?
To select the attributes to be monitored for a supplier model, you use the Manage Audit Policies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. This task allows you to enable auditing for various business objects, such as suppliers, supplier sites, supplier contacts, and supplier bank accounts. You can also select the attributes of each business object that you want to audit, such as supplier name, address, tax number, and so on. By enabling auditing, you can track the changes made to the supplier model and generate audit reports to protect against fraud.
Overview of Audit Configuration, Section 2.1: ''Enable Auditing for Business Objects''
Which seeded role must be associated with a supplier user account for the supplier to be able to respond to invited negotiations?
The seeded role that must be associated with a supplier user account for the supplier to be able to respond to invited negotiations is Supplier Bidder. This role grants the supplier user the ability to view and respond to negotiations, create and manage responses, and view award decisions. The other roles are not relevant for this purpose.
Supplier Administrator (Abstract Role) - Oracle, section ''Supplier Bidder (Abstract Role)''.
Set Up Supplier Roles - Oracle, section ''Supplier Bidder Role''.
You want to send your purchasing documents from a specific organization-wide email address.
What task would you use to set this up?
To send your purchasing documents from a specific organization-wide email address, you need to use the task Manage Purchasing Profile Options. This task allows you to configure various profile options that control the behavior and functionality of the Purchasing application. One of these profile options isPO: Email Sender Address, which specifies the email address that appears in the From field of the email notifications sent to suppliers and internal users. You can set this profile option at the site level to apply it to all business units, or at the product level to apply it to a specific business unit.
Implement Procurement -
PRC:PO: Supplier Communication from Email Address ... - My Oracle Support
PRC:PO: Sending Purchase Order (PO) Email ... - My Oracle Support
When you are creating your purchase orders, you want to be able to apply discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action and have opted in to the feature.
Which are the two conditions when the base price CANNOT be changed?
The base price of a purchase order line cannot be changed if the line is created from a punchout marketplace that does not allow the price to be changed, or if the line is included on a procurement contract. These are the two conditions that prevent the application of discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action.
When creating a negotiation, the category manager wants to send it to all supplier contacts for a supplier.
Which is the most efficient way to achieve this?
The most efficient way to send a negotiation to all supplier contacts for a supplier is to use a negotiation style that has the supplier control option of ''All supplier contacts'' enabled. This option allows you to automatically include all the contacts associated with a supplier when you add the supplier to the negotiation. You do not need to manually add each contact or rely on the supplier bidder contact to forward the negotiation. You can also create a negotiation template with this option enabled and use it to create a negotiation.