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You created a sourcing two-stage sealed RFQ and invited five suppliers to participate. The Technical stage is completed and the Commercial stage is unlocked.
At this time in the award negotiation section, in the Award Line you are able to see only three supplier's responses as active responses. You are not able to see the other two suppliers' data in the active responses.
Which two reasons are causing this? (Choose two.)
In negotiations you need to add a colleague to a scoring team, but they are not available.
Which two are valid issues that are causing this? (Choose two.)
In Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), which subject area should you use to report on spend for purchase orders and their associated requisitions?
Which method should you choose to manage setup data if you have a need to configure and modify the default setup best practices? (Choose the best answer.)
Identify two correct statements about Local area and Contextual areas in the common UI Shell. (Choose two.)
Local Area: The local area is in the center of the UI Shell where users do their work. It is the mainwork area and typically contains the transaction form with the menus and controls that enable users to be productive. Controls in, and the content or state of, the local area generally affect the contents of the contextual area.
Main Area: This term designates the combination of the Local Area and the Contextual Area.
Contextual Area: The contextual area is in the right-hand pane of the UI Shell, with controls and contents that generally are affected by controls in, or the content or state of, the local area; although in specific cases the contextual area can also affect the contents of the local area (causing a local-area reload).