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Identify the three contract attributes from Project Performance Data that are used in Project Performance dashboard regions. (Choose three.)
Which three file-based data imports are available for use in Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud?
Your customer has different accounting and project accounting periods, and sometimes enters invoices with an invoice date in the open project accounting and closed accounting periods. Which two statements are true about how project accounting and accounting dates will be populated in such invoices? (Choose two.)
Your customer complains that their project resources do not report their time promptly, which has resulted in incorrect reporting of project performance. What should you do to fix this problem? (Choose the best answer.)
You create a contract with two contract lines: Line 1 and Line 2. You create separate bill plans: A for contract Line 1 and B contract for Line 2, with a different bill set number (11 for Bill Plan A and 22 for Bill Plan B).
Then Bill Plan A is allocated against Project X -- Task 10, and Bill Plan B is allocated against Project Y -- Task 30.
Based on the preceding setup, you are generating invoices. Identify two correct statements about invoice generation in this scenario. (Choose two.)
What's a bill set?
Transactions originating from different bill plans with the same bill set number on a contract are included on the same invoice. If a contract has multiple bill plans and each have different values for the bill set, Oracle Fusion Project Billing creates a separate invoice for each bill plan