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The HR manager is planning for the next goal plan period. She finds that the current goal plan template being used by the organization does not reflect the latest organization-wide changes with respect to goal management.
How should the HR manager incorporate the changes?
You are implementing Oracle Performance Management Cloud with the requirements that during performance evaluation, a manager should be able to allocate rewards to direct reports and also be able to promote them. How do you meet these requirements?
A manager has several goals and has assigned some of those goals to his or her direct reports. However, when direct reports complete the goal, their profiles are not updated with the competencies associated with the goal as Target Outcomes.
What is the reason that the competencies were not added to the profiles?
An HR specialist recently created a performance goal plan for his or her organization. Two new hires have joined the organization after the existing goal plan was created and assigned.
Employee 1 is required to have all the goals in the existing goal plan.
Employee 2 needs goals A1 and A2 in addition to the goals in the existing goal plan.
Goals A1 and A2 need to be added to the goal library.
Which statement addresses these requirements?
If all tasks and subtasks are included in the Performance flow, except the Set Goals task, can the competencies and goals be added for a worker in his or her performance document?