Free Oracle 1Z0-100 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 1Z0-100 were last updated On Feb 20, 2025

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Question No. 1

Which three statements are true concerning the IPTABLES Oracle Linux firewall?

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Correct Answer: A, D, F

A: You need to specify the table and the chain for each firewall rule you create. There is an exception: Most rules are related to filtering, so iptables assumes that any chain that's defined without an associated table will be a part of the filter table. The filter table is therefore the default.

D: Nat Network Address Translation


Address translation occurs before routing. Facilitates the transformation of the destination IP address to be compatible with the firewall's routing table. Used with NAT of the destination IP address, also known as destination NAT or DNAT.


Address translation occurs after routing. This implies that there was no need to modify the destination IP address of the packet as in pre-routing. Used with NAT of the source IP address using either one-to-one or many-to-one NAT. This is known as source NAT, or SNAT.


Network address translation for packets generated by the firewall. (Rarely used in SOHO environments)

F: There are three tables in total. The first is the mangle table which is responsible for the alteration of quality of service bits in the TCP header.

The second table is the filter queue which is responsible for packet filtering. It has three built-in chains in which you can place your firewall policy rules.

The third table is the nat queue which is responsible for network address translation.

Question No. 2

During the setup of additional swap space on an ext2 files system, you encounter an error as shown below:

Which action must you perform to add additional swap space?

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Correct Answer: D

Question No. 3

Consider the output shown:

#rpm --i sendmail-cf-8.14.4-8.e16.noarch.rpm

Error: Failed dependencies:

Sendmail = 7.14.4-8.e16 is needed by sendmail-cf-8.e16.noarch

# rpm --i sendmail-8.14.4-8.e16.x86_64.rpm

# rpm --i sendmail-cf-8.14.4-8.e16.noarch.rpm

# rpm -q sendmail sendmail-cf




# rpm --e sendmail

Which statement is true about the execution of the rpm -e sendmail command?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 4

Which two statements are true about the installation of certain components of asmlib in Oracle Linux 6?

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Correct Answer: B, F

B: The oracleasm kernel driver is built into the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Oracle Linux 6 and does not need to be installed manually.

F: All ASMLib installations require the oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support packages appropriate for their machine.

The oracleasm-support package can be downloaded from the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) if you have an active support subscription, or from if you do not.


not A: The oracleasm kernel driver for the 64-bit (x86_64) Red Hat Compatible Kernel for Oracle Linux 6 can be installed manually.

Question No. 5

Which two statements are true concerning OpenSSH configuration files? (Choose two.)

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Correct Answer: B, D