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Which THREE statements are TRUE about the supported workload in Active Data Guard standby databases?
In an Oracle Active Data Guard environment:
B: Read-mostly reporting applications that utilize global temporary tables to store session-specific data can be effectively offloaded to an Active Data Guard standby database, reducing the load on the primary database.
C: Sequences can be used with global temporary tables on an Active Data Guard standby database to support certain types of read-mostly applications, though some restrictions on sequence use may apply.
E: In Oracle Database 19c and later, DML redirection allows DML operations performed on an Active Data Guard standby database to be transparently redirected to the primary database. This is part of the DML Redirection feature.
Option A is incorrect because not all PL/SQL blocks run on an Active Data Guard standby database can be redirected to the primary database. Some PL/SQL executions, specifically those that would attempt to make changes to the database, are not supported on the standby.
Option D is incorrect because DDL operations on private temporary tables are not redirected; instead, private temporary tables are session-specific and are not persisted on disk, so they do not generate redo and are not applicable to an Active Data Guard standby.
You must configure flashback database for your Oracle 19c databases that will be part of a Data Guard Broker configuration.
The databases are all in ARCHIVELOG mode.
You will execute the SQL statement:
Which three are true concerning this command?
The command ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON; enables the Flashback Database feature, which provides a way to quickly revert an entire Oracle database back to a previous point in time. This command can be executed while an Oracle 19c primary database is either open (option A) or mounted (option B). It is also applicable to an Oracle 19c logical standby database while SQL Apply is active (option E). However, it's important to note that enabling Flashback Database on the primary does not automatically enable it on all associated standby databases, whether they are physical or logical. Each database in a Data Guard configuration must have Flashback Database explicitly enabled if desired. Real Time Query being active on a physical standby does not directly relate to the ability to execute this command on the standby. Reference: The explanation is based on Oracle's concepts for Flashback Technology and Data Guard configurations as detailed in the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide and the Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration guide.
Examine this query and its output:
Which two statements are true?
D) The database role indicated by FS_FAILOVER_STATUS as BYSTANDER implies that the database is a standby database in the Data Guard configuration. This means the database is neither a primary database nor an active failover target.
E) Since the FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_HOST column shows cats, it suggests that this is the host on which the observer would run. However, because the FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_PRESENT column is not shown, we cannot definitively state if the observer is currently connected or not. If FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_PRESENT is 'YES', the observer is connected, if 'NO', then it's not. In the absence of this column's output, the best assumption based on the available data is that the observer is not connected.
The output shows that the FS_FAILOVER_STATUS is BYSTANDER, which indicates that the database in question is not actively involved in a fast-start failover configuration as a primary or standby. It is in a bystander role, meaning that while it is part of a Data Guard configuration, it is neither a target for failover nor actively participating in failover operations. Additionally, FS_FAILOVER_OBSERVER_HOST shows 'cats', which indicates the host where the observer process is expected to run. However, since there is no information about the observer being present, we can infer that although 'cats' is designated for the observer to run, the observer is not currently connected to this database.
Reference: Oracle documentation on Data Guard configurations and the V$DATABASE view which provides information about the fast-start failover status and observer host.
You created two remote physical standby databases using SQL and RMAN.
The primary database is a four-instance RAC database and each physical standby database has two instances.
Roles-based services are used for client connectivity and have been defined in the Grid Infrastructure.
Consider these operational requirements:
* The ability to manage multiple standby databases with a single tool
* The simplification of switchovers, failovers, reinstatements, and conversions to and from snapshot standby databases
* The automation of failovers to a specified target standby database
Which TWO tools can be used to fulfill these requirements7
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control provides a graphical interface to manage multiple standby databases, simplify switchovers and failovers, and automate failover processes to a specified target standby database. It offers a comprehensive view and control over the Data Guard configuration, making complex operations more manageable.
DGMGRL is a command-line tool specifically designed for managing Data Guard configurations. It allows the administration of multiple standby databases, simplifies the execution of switchovers and failovers, reinstatements, and conversions to and from snapshot standby databases, and supports the automation of failover processes to a specified standby database.
Other options like RMAN, SQL*Plus, CRSCTL, SRVCTL, and GDCCTL do not provide the same level of integrated management functionality for Data Guard environments as Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and DGMGRL.
You detected an unrecoverable archive gap in your data guard environment. So, you need to roll standby.
forward in time without applying a large number of archive log files using this command:
When running this command, which of the following steps can be performed automatically?
1. Remember all data file names on the standby.
2. Restart standby in nomount.
3. Restore controlfile from primary.
4. Mount standby database.
5. Rename data files from stored standby names.
6. Restore new data files to new names.
7. Recover standby.
The RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE FROM SERVICE command in RMAN is designed to automate various steps required to recover the standby database, especially when dealing with an archive gap. When this command is executed, the following actions can occur automatically:
Remember all data file names on the standby (1): RMAN has the capability to recall the names and paths of all data files associated with the standby database.
Restart standby in nomount (2): The standby database can be automatically restarted in the NOMOUNT state, allowing recovery operations to proceed without the database being open.
Restore controlfile from primary (3): RMAN can restore the control file from the primary database to the standby system, ensuring that the standby has the most up-to-date control file.
Mount standby database (4): After restoring the control file, the standby database is mounted to prepare for data file recovery.
Rename data files from stored standby names (5): Not typically done automatically by this command.
Restore new data files to new names (6): New data files added to the primary since the last synchronization can be restored to the standby with their correct names.
Recover standby (7): Finally, RMAN will apply any necessary redo logs to bring the standby database up to date with the primary.
While some steps, such as renaming data files (5), typically require manual intervention or scripting, most of the recovery process can be handled by RMAN automatically, streamlining the recovery of the standby database.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide
Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration Guide