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Examine the following query output:
You issue the following command to import tables into the hr schema:
$ > impdp hr/hr directory = dumpdir dumpfile = hr_new.dmp schemas=hr TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING: Y
Which statement is true?
Note from Oracle Documentation:
With redo logging disabled, the disk space required for redo logs during an Oracle Data Pump import will be smaller. However, to ensure recovery from media failure, the DBA should do an RMAN backup after the import completes.
Even with this parameter specified, there is still redo logging for other operations of Oracle Data Pump. This includes all CREATE and ALTER statements, except CREATE INDEX, and all operations against the master table used by Oracle Data Pump during the import.
In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), users complain about performance degradation.
How does real-time Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check performance degradation and provide solutions?
* The multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to function as a multitenant container database (CDB) that includes zero, one, or many customer-created pluggable databases (PDBs). A PDB is a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects that appears to an Oracle Net client as a non-CDB. All Oracle databases before Oracle Database 12c were non-CDBs.
* The System Global Area (SGA) is a group of shared memory areas that are dedicated to an Oracle ''instance'' (an instance is your database programs and RAM).
* The PGA (Program or Process Global Area) is a memory area (RAM) that stores data and control information for a single process.
You issue the following commands:
The directories '/u0l/app/oracle/oradata/orcl' and '/u0l/app/oracle/mydata' exist.
Which statement describes the outcome?
You configure your database instance to support shared server connections.
Which two memory areas that are part of PGA are stored in SGA instead, for shared server connection? (Choose two.)
A: PGA itself is subdivided. The UGA (User Global Area) contains session state information, including stuff like package-level variables, cursor state, etc. Note that, with shared server, the UGA is in the SGA. It has to be, because shared server means that the session state needs to be accessible to all server processes, as any one of them could be assigned a particular session. However, with dedicated server (which likely what you're using), the UGA is allocated in the PGA.
C: The Location of a private SQL area depends on the type of connection established for a session. If a session is connected through a dedicated server, private SQL areas are located in the server process' PGA. However, if a session is connected through a shared server, part of the private SQL area is kept in the SGA.
* System global area (SGA)
The SGA is a group of shared memory structures, known as SGA components, that contain data and control information for one Oracle Database instance. The SGA is shared by all server and background processes. Examples of data stored in the SGA include cached data blocks and shared SQL areas.
* Program global area (PGA)
A PGA is a memory region that contains data and control information for a server process. It is nonshared memory created by Oracle Database when a server process is started. Access to the PGA is exclusive to the server process. There is one PGA for each server process. Background processes also allocate their own PGAs. The total memory used by all individual PGAs is known as the total instance PGA memory, and the collection of individual PGAs is referred to as the total instance PGA, or just instance PGA. You use database initialization parameters to set the size of the instance PGA, not individual PGAs.
Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains several pluggable databases (POBs). A common user c##a_admin, Is created with connect privileges. You execute this command from the root container: SQL> GRANT create tablespace to C##A_ADMIN; Which statement is true?