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Choose the correct answer:
Which statement describes the semantics of a Property that has the aggregation kind composite9
In UML, the aggregation kind 'composite' is one of the two types of aggregation, shared and composite. Composite aggregation, also known as composition, implies that the composed objects do not have a separate lifecycle from the owner object and are parts of the whole. This is in contrast to shared aggregation (aggregation), where the parts can be shared with different owners and have their own lifecycle.
Let's look at the options:
A . Composite aggregation implies ownership and is related to, but not equivalent to namespace containment. Namespace containment is more about the scope for named elements rather than lifecycle management.
B . While it's true that instances of the composed object's type are often associated only with the composite object, the key aspect of composite aggregation is not just the exclusive context but the lifecycle dependency, which is not captured in this option.
C . This option is correct because, in UML, composite aggregation (composition) implies that the parts are existentially dependent on the whole. When the composite (whole) object is destroyed, so are all of its parts, indicating a strong lifecycle dependency between the composite object and its composed parts.
D . This option describes a relationship more akin to set theory than UML composition. In UML, composite aggregation doesn't deal with subsets and unions in the context of set theory.
Thus, the most accurate answer, according to the UML specification regarding composite aggregation, is C: When the Property's composite object ceases to exist, all of its composed objects also cease to exist.
Choose the correct answer:
Which statement is true about the following diagram?
The execution starts from activity A (as there's no incoming transition).
From A, there's only one outgoing transition leading to activity E.
Following the transition from E, the flow reaches activity C.
There are no further outgoing transitions from C, signifying the end of the valid trace.
Explanation of Why Other Options are Incorrect:
A . E waits for an Event:The diagram doesn't show an explicit wait event associated with activity E. While an event might trigger the initial start of the activity A, the provided trace (A, E, C) focuses on the control flow between the activities themselves.
B . E is always executed faster than B:There's no basis to establish a timing relationship between E and B based solely on the structure of the diagram. The order of execution is A, E, C, but their relative speeds cannot be determined from this information.
D . C waits for tokens on both incoming edges:Activity C has two incoming transitions, but the concept of waiting for tokens on both edges simultaneously doesn't apply here. Since the flow reaches C from activity E, only the transition from E provides the token needed to enable C's execution.
Trace vs. Path
It's important to distinguish between trace and path in an activity diagram:
Trace:A specific sequence of activity executions along a feasible path.
Path:A possible route through the activity diagram, which may or may not be a valid trace depending on the presence of decisions or loops.
In this case, the answer focuses on the valid trace A, E, C, which represents a confirmed sequence of activity executions based on the transitions in the diagram.
Choose the correct answer: Consider the following diagram:
How many object nodes in total are shown?
ML 2 Foundation concepts for activity diagrams, there are eight object nodes in total. Here's a breakdown of the elements:
Object Nodes:
Order:This rectangle near the start of the diagram represents an object node.
Cust Name:This rectangle following the 'Get Customer Details' action is another object node.
Order Details:This rectangle after the 'Get Order Details' action is an object node as well.
New Order:The rectangle positioned after the decision diamond (approved) is an object node.
Repeat(text near the decision diamond): This is not an object node. It likely indicates a loopback or repetition, but it doesn't represent an object itself.
Cust Order:The rectangle after the 'Place Order' action is an object node.
Invoice:The rectangle following the 'Create Invoice' action is an object node.
OrderAck:The rectangle at the end signifies another object node.
Counting the Nodes:
There are eight rectangles that represent object nodes in the diagram (Order, Cust Name, Order Details, New Order, Cust Order, Invoice, OrderAck).
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following diagram:
Which change could the modeler make to fix the UML error in this model?
In the UML diagram given, we see two classes, ClassA and ClassB, with ClassB inheriting from ClassA. ClassA has two attributes, position of type Integer and description of type String. ClassB introduces an additional attribute, version of type Real.
Looking at the instance specifications (the right part of the diagram), we have three instances: a1 of type ClassA, b1 of type ClassB, and b2 also of type ClassB.
In UML, an instance specification must comply with the structure of its classifier, which means an instance of ClassA must show slots for both position and description, whereas an instance of ClassB must show slots for position, description, and version.
In the provided diagram, instance a1 of ClassA only shows a slot for position. This is an error because it does not show a slot for description, which is a defined attribute of ClassA. To correct this error, we would need to add a description slot to a1.
This means that the correct answer is:
B . Add a description slot to a1.
The other options do not correct the error in the model:
A) Specifying unique values for position does not address the missing description slot in a1. C) Changing the type of ClassB.version from Real to Integer is not required by any UML constraint in the context given. D) Changing the type of ClassA.position from Integer to Real does not address the missing description slot in a1 and is unrelated to the inheritance structure.
Choose the correct answer: Consider the following scenario:
Activity Act1 shall be carried out. then activity Act2. and then activity Acl1 again.
Which diagram shows this?
The correct sequence of activities as described in the scenario is shown in Option A. This option illustrates the flow where ''Act1'' is carried out first, followed by ''Act2'', and then ''Act1'' is carried out again. This sequence is represented in UML activity diagrams by a series of action nodes connected by control flows, indicating the order in which the activities occur.
UML 2.5 Specification, Section 15.2 (Activity Diagrams), Object Management Group (OMG)
''UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language'' by Martin Fowler
''Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development'' by Craig Larman