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An administrator needs to migrate workloads from a Nutanix cluster running VMware ESXi to Nutanix AHV. The migration process needs to be completed in multiple VM groups and support roll back in case any problems are found during user acceptance testing.
Which action should the administrator perform?
A customer wants to know the details of network validation testing.
Where can the consultant find this information?
The Test Plan is the most appropriate resource for detailed information on network validation testing. This document typically outlines the specific tests to be conducted to ensure the network meets the required specifications and performance standards necessary for a stable and efficient Nutanix environment. The Test Plan provides a structured approach to validate each network component and interaction, ensuring all aspects are tested and meet design and operational requirements. Reference: Nutanix Installation and validation procedures as described in Nutanix official documentation and training modules from Nutanix University.
A consultant is planning to use a flat switch for installation.
What is the network requirement for Foundation VM, CVM, Hypervisor, and IPMI
In a typical Nutanix deployment using a flat switch, the Foundation VM, the CVM, and the Hypervisor should all be on the same subnet to facilitate seamless communication and management operations during the initial setup and operation. The IPMI, being a management interface, can be on a different subnet as it serves a different purpose primarily for remote management at the hardware level and does not need to be on the same subnet as the other components for cluster functionality. Reference:
Nutanix University - NCS-Core 6.8 Learning Path
The Nutanix Bible, Network Configuration chapter (
A consultant is working with a customer on a new cluster deployment.
While reviewing the customer questionnaire, the consultant notices that the customer has documented their DNS servers as follows:
* CompanyDNSI
* CompanyDNS2 192.1685.20
What should the consultant consider regarding this deployment?
Noticing a potential typo or error in the DNS server IP address notation:
D . New IPs provided should be verified to not conflict with the customer's network: It's crucial to verify the accuracy and validity of the IP addresses provided, ensuring there are no typos and that the IPs do not conflict with existing network configurations. The noted IP '192.1685.20' appears to be incorrectly formatted and should be corrected and validated.
A consultant discovers that while the Foundation VM and the consultant's laptop are able to ping each other nodes are rea discovered while trying to run Foundation on the customer's network.
What should the consultant do to resolve the issue?
When Foundation VM and a laptop can ping each other but nodes are not being discovered, it suggests a network protocol issue. The consultant should enable IPv6 and multicast on the switch. Multicast is required for node discovery in many environments, especially when using Nutanix Foundation, as it helps in the detection and communication between nodes and the Foundation VM. Reference:
Nutanix University - NCS-Core 6.8 Learning Path
The Nutanix Bible, Foundation chapter (