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An administrator is tasked with performing an upgrade to the latest Objects version.
What should the administrator do prior to upgrade Objects Manager?
Before upgrading Objects Manager, the administrator must upgrade AOS to the latest version. AOS is the core operating system that runs on each node in a Nutanix cluster and provides the foundation for Objects Manager and Objects service. Upgrading AOS will ensure compatibility and stability for Objects components. Reference: Nutanix Objects Administration Guide, Acropolis Operating System Upgrade Guide
Before upgrading Files or creating a file server, which component must first be upgraded to a compatible version?
The component that must first be upgraded to a compatible version before upgrading Files or creating a file server is Prism Central. Prism Central is a web-based user interface that allows administrators to manage multiple Nutanix clusters and services, including Files. Prism Central must be upgraded to a compatible version with Files before upgrading an existing file server or creating a new file server. Otherwise, the upgrade or creation process may fail or cause unexpected errors.Reference:Nutanix Files Administration Guide, page 21; Nutanix Files Upgrade Guide
An administrator has discovered that File server services are down on a cluster.
Which service should the administrator investigation for this issue?
The service that the administrator should investigate for this issue is Minerva-nvm. Minerva-nvm is a service that runs on each CVM and provides communication between Prism Central and Files services. Minerva-nvm also monitors the health of Files services and reports any failures or alerts to Prism Central. If Minerva-nvm is down on any CVM, it can affect the availability and functionality of Files services on that cluster.Reference:Nutanix Files Administration Guide, page 23; Nutanix Files Troubleshooting Guide
An organization currently has two Objects instances deployed between two sites. Both instances are managed via manage the same Prism Central to simplify management.
The organization has a critical application with all data in a bucket that needs to be replicated to the secondary site for DR purposes. The replication needs to be asynchronous, including al delete the marker versions.
The administrator can achieve this requirement by creating a bucket replication rule and setting the destination Objects instance. Bucket replication is a feature that allows administrators to replicate data from one bucket to another bucket on a different Objects instance for disaster recovery or data migration purposes. Bucket replication can be configured with various parameters, such as replication mode, replication frequency, replication status, etc. Bucket replication can also replicate all versions of objects, including delete markers, which are special versions that indicate that an object has been deleted. By creating a bucket replication rule and setting the destination Objects instance, the administrator can replicate data from one Objects instance to another asynchronously, including all delete markers and versions.Reference:Nutanix Objects User Guide, page 19; Nutanix Objects Solution Guide, page 9
An administrator created a bucket for an upcoming project where internal users as well as an outside consultant .... Object Browser. The administrator needs to provide both internal and consultant access to the same bucket.
The organization would like to prevent internal access to the consultant, based on their security policy.
Which two items are requires to fulfill this requirement (Choose two.)