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Refer to the Exhibit:
An administrator receives complaints of poor performance in a particular VM.
Based on the VM performance metric, what is the most likely cause of this behavior?
Based on the VM performance metrics shown in the exhibit, the most likely cause of the poor performance in the particular VM is that the host's CPU is severely overloaded. This is indicated by the high percentage of Hypervisor CPU Ready Time, which is shown as 96% in the CPU ready chart. CPU Ready Time is a metric that shows the amount of time a VM is ready to run but is unable to run because the host CPU resources are not available. In a healthy environment, this value is typically low. A high percentage indicates that the VMs are waiting for available CPU cycles, which means the CPU is not able to schedule the VM effectively, often due to overcommitment or heavy CPU load.
When the CPU ready time is consistently high, it is a clear indicator that the VM is frequently waiting for CPU resources, which can lead to performance issues such as sluggishness or delays in processing. It is not related to the storage subsystem (Oplog fullness or SSD tier size), nor directly to the number of vCPUs assigned to the VM. While adding more vCPUs might seem like a solution, it could actually exacerbate the issue if the host is already CPU constrained.
To resolve this issue, an administrator should consider balancing the load across the hosts more effectively, possibly by using Nutanix's built-in automation and balancing features, or by scaling out the cluster to add more CPU resources. It is also advisable to check for any VMs with unusually high CPU demand and to adjust resource allocation as needed. Nutanix provides extensive documentation and guidelines in their Resource Management Guide to help administrators identify and resolve such performance issues.
An administrator is reviewing performance of a core banking system that routinely has 20,000 concurrent users. During, business hours, the CPU on the applications servers runs at close to 100%. The administrator needs to determine if there is a performance issue specific to the app servers, the database servers, or all servers on the cluster.
Which metrics should the administrator review in Prism Analysis Graphs?
In this case, the administrator wants to investigate the performance of a core banking system that consists of application servers and database servers. The application servers have high CPU utilization during business hours, which may indicate a bottleneck or a resource contention issue. The administrator needs to review multiple metrics in Prism Analysis Graphs to identify the root cause and determine if there is a problem with the app servers only, or with other components as well.
The metrics that are relevant for this analysis are:
Cluster IO: This metric shows the input/output operations per second (IOPS) and throughput (MBps) of the cluster. It can help to understand if there is a high demand for disk IO from the VMs or if there is any latency or congestion in the storage layer.
Cluster CPU: This metric shows the CPU utilization (%) and load average of the cluster. It can help to understand if there is enough CPU capacity in the cluster to handle the workload or if there is any imbalance or contention among hosts.
Cluster Memory: This metric shows the memory utilization (%) and available memory (GB) of the cluster. It can help to understand if there is enough memory capacity in the cluster to support the VMs or if there is any pressure or swapping in the memory layer.
Network: This metric shows the network throughput (MBps) and packets per second (pps) of the cluster. It can help to understand if there is enough network bandwidth in the cluster to transfer data between hosts and VMs or if there is any congestion or packet loss in the network layer.
App Server CPU: This metric shows the CPU utilization (%) and load average of each application server VM. It can help to understand if there is any variation or anomaly in the performance of each app server or if there is any correlation with other metrics.
Database Server CPU: This metric shows the CPU utilization (%) and load average of each database server VM. It can help to understand if there is any variation or anomaly in the performance of each database server or if there is any correlation with other metrics.
Refer to the Exhibit:
An administrator is adding a new node to a cluster. The node has been imaged to the same versions of AHV and AOS that the cluster is
running, configured with appropriate IP addresses, and br0-up has been configured in the same manner as the existing uplink bonds.
When attempting to add the node to the cluster with the Expand Cluster function in Prism, the cluster is unable to find the new node.
Based on the above output from the new node, what is most likely the cause of this issue?
The output in the exhibit indicates that the node's network interfaces (eth0-eth3) are bonded together using LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) with 'balance-tcp' as the bonding mode and LACP speed set to 'fast'. For LACP to function correctly, the switch ports to which the node is connected must also be configured to support LACP. If the ports on the upstream switch are not configured for LACP, the bond will not be able to establish properly, and the node will not communicate effectively on the network, making it undiscoverable when attempting to expand the cluster.
The absence of an operational LACP configuration could prevent the new node from joining the existing cluster as the node's network interfaces would not be able to pass traffic correctly. This can be verified by checking the switch configuration to ensure that the ports are set to participate in an LACP bond.
The other options, such as a firewall blocking discovery traffic (Option A) or the node being on different VLANs (Option C), are possible causes for a node not being discovered, but given the specific command output provided, the most likely cause is related to the switch port configuration for LACP. Option D, regarding completing LACP configuration after cluster expansion, is not correct because LACP needs to be operational for the node to communicate with the cluster during the expansion process.
Proper LACP configuration is critical for network communication in a Nutanix AHV cluster, and this is covered in detail in the Nutanix AHV and Networking documentation. It outlines the steps for configuring network bonds and LACP on both the AHV hosts and the connecting network infrastructure.
An administrator wants to create a trunked interface on a VM on AOS 5.15x.
Which two steps should the administrator take first to achieve this? (Choose two)
An administrator recently added new SSDs to a Nutanix cluster and knows the firmware will be out of date, Due to security constraints, the cluster does not have access to the Internet.
Which two steps must be completed to update the firmware? (Choose two.)