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An administrator has received reports of users being disconnected from remote desktop sessions to a specific VM.
Which VM metric is most useful isolating the cause of the issue?
Which two types of granular RBAC does Nutanix provide for AHV hosts? (Choose two.)
AHV IPAM assigns an IP address from the address pool when creating a managed VM NIC.
At which two instances does the address release back to the pool? (Choose two)
Administrators can use Acropolis with IPAM to deliver a complete virtualization deployment, including network management, from the unified Prism interface. This capability radically simplifies the traditionally complex network management associated with provisioning VMs and assigning network addresses. To avoid address overlap, be sure to work with your network team to reserve a range of addresses for VMs before enabling the IPAM feature.
The Acropolis master assigns an IP address from the address pool when creating a managed VM NIC; the address releases back to the pool when the VM NIC or VM is deleted.
An administrator wants to ensure that data in a container is stored in the most space efficient manner as quickly as possible after being written,
Which space efficiency too meets this requirement?
Refer to Exhibit:
After configuring modules for a Remote Syslog Server, the settings are as shown. The administrator notices that even though the level parameter is set to EMERGENCY, that all monitor logs are being sent.
What is the likely cause of this issue?