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An administrator followed best practice using Prism Central to perform an upgrade to objects.
However, the following warning was received:
A Nutanix Objects Upgrade failed to complete properly.
The administrator needs to review the logs specific to the upgrade process.
Which 2 log files should the administrator review to determine the failure? (Choose Two)
An administrator is deploying a new Files cluster. After ensuring that best practices have been
followed, the administrator begins the deployment Network segmentation for Volumes is not
After some time, the administrator observes that the deployment failed and was rolled back.
After further investigation, the administrator discovers that the CVM was not able to ping the IP
addresses of all FSVMs.
How should the administrator resolve this issue?
An administrator receive a warning message concerning file server hosted in a 3 node cluster
The Prism management console recommends optimizing Files resources
How should the administrator resolve this issue
What are the three predefined resource profiles when deploying Objects?
Which two configuration elements can an administrator find in the File Server -> FILE SERVER DETAILS tab? (choose two.)