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What are two status values that can be set within the Alerts Dashboard? (Choose two.)
The correct answer is B and D because these are the two status values that can be set within the Alerts Dashboard in NDB. Resolved means that the alert has been fixed and no longer requires attention. Acknowledged means that the alert has been seen and is being worked on. Option A is incorrect because Auto is not a status value, but a mode that automatically resolves alerts based on predefined rules. Option C is incorrect because Data Resiliency is not a status value, but a feature that ensures the availability and integrity of the data in NDB.
[Nutanix Support & Insights], Resolving All Alerts Related to a Database or Database Server VM in NDB
When registering a new Nutanix Cluster with Era, what component is installed on the target Nutanix cluster via the Register Nutanix Cluster workflow?
Which two statements best describe the features and functionality of Era Oracle patching? (Choose two.)
An administrator is adding a stretched VLAN in NDB.
Which VLAN type(s) will satisfy this task?
The administrator can add a stretched VLAN in NDB using either static or dynamic VLANs. A stretched VLAN is a VLAN that spans across multiple Nutanix clusters, and allows the NDB-managed databases to communicate and migrate between different clusters. A static VLAN is a VLAN that is manually configured and assigned to the database server VMs and the databases by the administrator. A dynamic VLAN is a VLAN that is automatically configured and assigned to the database server VMs and the databases by the NDB instance, using the Nutanix Calm orchestration service. Both static and dynamic VLANs can be used to create a stretched VLAN in NDB, as long as they have the same VLAN ID and network configuration across the clusters.
The administrator cannot add a stretched VLAN in NDB using only VLANs that are not managed in NDB. A VLAN that is not managed in NDB is a VLAN that is configured and assigned to the database server VMs and the databases outside of the NDB instance, using the Nutanix Prism web console or other tools. A VLAN that is not managed in NDB cannot be used to create a stretched VLAN in NDB, as it is not recognized or controlled by the NDB instance.
What does a Time Machine frozen status indicate?
A Time Machine frozen status indicates that the database that was associated with the Time Machine has been de-registered from NDB, but the Time Machine itself has not been deleted. This means that the Time Machine still contains the snapshots and logs of the de-registered database, but it cannot perform any further operations on it. To resume the normal functioning of the Time Machine, the administrator can either re-register the database with NDB, or delete the Time Machine and free up the storage space.