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Which entity should be contacted for cloud hardware supported (EC2 instances, VPC, etc) related to NC2?
For issues related to cloud hardware support such as EC2 instances, VPC, etc., the public cloud vendor (AWS in this case) should be contacted. AWS provides support and documentation for their infrastructure and services, ensuring that users can get assistance for any hardware or cloud-specific queries.
A company wants to use Nutanix NC2 to burst VDI resources to the AWS cloud. The VDI workloads requires GPU accelation.
Which solution meets the company's requirements?
For VDI workloads that require GPU acceleration, the g4dn.metal nodes are the appropriate choice. These instances are equipped with NVIDIA T4 GPUs, which are well-suited for graphics-intensive applications such as VDI workloads that need GPU acceleration. Other node types like AN36P, m6g.metal, or AN36 do not provide the necessary GPU capabilities.
Which statement is true regarding AWS account requirements?
To create a CloudFormation stack, the AWSCloudFormationFullAccess role is required.
This role grants the necessary permissions to create, update, and delete CloudFormation stacks, which are essential for deploying and managing AWS infrastructure using CloudFormation templates.
CloudFormation stacks are often used to automate the deployment of complex infrastructures, including those required for NC2 on AWS.
Proper permissions ensure that the deployment process is seamless and adheres to the security and operational policies of the organization.
Reference: Refer to the AWS IAM documentation for details on the AWSCloudFormationFullAccess role and Nutanix documentation on prerequisites for deploying NC2 on AWS.
If an administrator deploys an NC2 cluster using an existing AWS network, in which type of subnet should the administrator deploy the NAT Gateway?
To deploy an NC2 cluster using an existing AWS network, the NAT Gateway should be placed in a public subnet. A public subnet is one that has a route to an Internet Gateway, allowing the NAT Gateway to provide outbound internet access for resources in private subnets. The NAT Gateway is used to enable instances in private subnets to access the internet while keeping them secure by not exposing them directly to the public internet.
When selecting the NC2 subscription plan from the Nutanix Billing portal, which options are available.
When selecting the NC2 subscription plan from the Nutanix Billing portal, the available options include:
Pay-as-you-Go (PayG): A flexible payment option where users are billed based on their actual usage, providing cost efficiency for variable workloads.
Bring your own License (BYOL): Allows users to utilize existing Nutanix licenses they have purchased, offering a cost-effective way to leverage existing investments in Nutanix software.
Reference: Refer to the Nutanix billing and subscription documentation for detailed descriptions of subscription plans and their benefits.