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An administrator needs to relocate an AHV cluster to a new datacenter during a maintenance window. The cluster will use the same IPs in the new datacenter.
Which two steps should be taken to prepare for this task? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit.
User 1 and User 2 belong to the AAPM group
What are two descriptions of how Files perform quota management? (Choose two.)
The networking team makes changes to the Top of Rack switches to which the Nutanix cluster are attached. A few VMs are able to communicate with each other on the same node but are unable to connect to other parts of the network.
What is the likely cause of this issue?
A new Nutanix cluster is ready for production on a remote site with no IT staff. Changes to the infrastructure will cost money and probably cause a cluster stop. The administrator needs to perform a health check on the environment that should include:
* Network connectivity checks
* Network performance status
* Storage performance status
Which tool should be used to perform this test?
A VDI environment based on AHV Cluster is not performing well. The current environment is using only one bridge (Bridge0). The administrator needs to verify if nodes are using all network cards associated to Bridge0.
Which two menus should be used to check the current configuration? (Choose two.)