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In a Nutanix cluster, a Protection Domain contains 50 entities that are replicated to a remote Single Node Replication Target.
The current schedule configuration is as follows:
* Repeat every 6 hours
* Local Retention Policy 1
* Remote Retention Policy 8
* Starting time 12 am
At 8 am on Monday, the administrator discovers that a protected VM is corrupted. The latest good state was Sunday 2 pm. The administrator needs to maintain current protection.
Which strategy should the administrator use to meet these requirements?
An administrator is deploying Nutanix Files 3.5 and needs to configure the sizing of the FSVMs for an increased number of concurrent SMB connections over the default 750.
What should the administrator do?
An administrator is trying to correct high cluster IOPs and Cluster Controller Latency. Networking is the suspected issue.
Which networking parameters should be configured in the Nutanix cluster?
An administrator has a custom backup application that requires a 2TB disk and runs in Windows. Throughput is considerably lower than expected.
The application was installed on a VM with the following configuration:
* Four vCPUs with one core/vCPU
* 4GB of Memory
* One 50GB vDisk for the Windows installation
* One 2TB vDisk for the application
What is the recommended configuration change to improve throughput?
An organizations Nutanix Cluster is based on VMware vSphere. The cluster is configured to download software updates automatically. The administration needs to verify and eventually upgrade VMware hypervisor via Prism Ul.
After logging in to Prism, the administrator receives the message shown:
No available versions for upgrade
What is causing the current state?