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What happens to images that are imported into Prism Central?
The Prism Central image repository is a centralized location for storing virtual machine images that can be used to deploy VMs to any cluster managed by Prism Central. When an image is imported into Prism Central, a copy of the image is made and stored in the repository, so that it can be easily accessed and deployed to any cluster as needed.
The original image file typically remains in the source cluster after it is imported into Prism Central, unless it is explicitly deleted. Similarly, the image copy in the Prism Central repository is not automatically copied to all clusters managed by Prism Central, but can be used to deploy new VMs on any cluster as needed.
Which Prism Central feature can map images to target clusters using categories?
In Prism Central, Image Placement Policies can be used to map images to target clusters using categories. An Image Placement Policy is a set of rules that determine where an image should be placed on the Nutanix cluster. These rules are based on categories, such as the image's OS type, the target cluster's hardware type, and other factors. By creating image placement policies, you can ensure that images are placed on the appropriate clusters, and that they are compatible with the hardware and software requirements of those clusters.
For example, you could create a placement policy that specifies that all Windows images should be placed on a specific cluster, and that all Linux images should be placed on another cluster. You can also set image replication policies on image placement policies, to ensure that images are replicated to multiple clusters for disaster recovery purposes.
An Administrator needs to provide users access to prism Central Projects.
What Source of user accounts must the administrator Use?
On which entity is Replication Factor configured?
Replication Factor is configured on a Container entity. Containers group together virtual disks and files, and allow administrators to set policies on a group level. This allows for increased flexibility in managing storage resources and allows administrators to easily set policies across multiple virtual disks and files.
Replication Factor is configured on Containers. A container is a logical grouping of one or more storage pools and defines the storage resources available to virtual machines. The replication factor is a setting that determines the number of copies of data that are stored across the cluster. By configuring the replication factor on a container, you are setting the number of copies of data that will be stored for all virtual machines that are associated with that container.
For example, if you have a container with a replication factor of 3, it means that three copies of data will be stored across the cluster, and two copies are required to reconstruct the data in case of a failure.