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What are the possible data types capable of being assigned to the value type attributes of the target-component?
The value type attributes of the target-component can be assigned either a boolean or a string data type. The boolean data type can be used to indicate whether a certain attribute is enabled or not, while the string data type can be used to store textual information. Numbers and other data types are not supported.
Which of the following is NOT an Intent Type life-cycle state?
Intent Types have four life-cycle states: Draft, Released, Phased-Out, and Deleted. The Created state is not a life-cycle state for Intent Types; instead, it is an intermediate state used to create an Intent before it is moved to a life-cycle state.
Which of the following NSP CLI actions uses the network element's NE ID to establish communication?
nsp.sr_cliis a nodal communication action that uses the network element's NE ID to establish communication. It is one of the NSP actions and expression functions that can be used to design workflows for network automation
Which of the following is NOT a category of files found in the Intent-type resources directory?
According to the NSP Intent Manager Application Help1, an intent type consists of four components: general metadata, target, YANG model and script.The resources component is used to store files that are required by the script component1. Therefore,A. Framework filesis NOT a category of files found in the intent-type resources directory.
Which tab(s) does the metadata in the meta-info.Json file appear in the "Edit Intent Type" window of the Intent Manager UI?
According to theNSP Network Services Platform Release 20.6 Intent Manager Application Help1, an intent type consists of four components: general metadata, target, YANG model and script.The metadata in the meta-info.Json file appears in theGeneralandResourcespanels of the Edit Intent Type window