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You are deploying TLS support for real-time Web and SaaS transactions. What are two secure implementation methods in this scenario? (Choose two.)
If you are deploying TLS support for real-time Web and SaaS transactions, then you need to use secure implementation methods that ensure the highest level of encryption and security for your traffic. Two secure implementation methods in this scenario are: support TLS 1.2 only when 1.3 is not supported by the server and require TLS 1.3 for every server that accepts it. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security, which is a protocol that provides secure communication over the internet by encrypting and authenticating data exchanged between two parties. TLS 1.3 is the latest version of TLS, which offers several improvements over TLS 1.2, such as faster handshake, stronger encryption algorithms, better forward secrecy, and reduced attack surface. Therefore, it is recommended to use TLS 1.3 whenever possible for real-time Web and SaaS transactions, as it provides better security and performance than TLS 1.2. However, some servers may not support TLS 1.3 yet, so in those cases, it is acceptable to use TLS 1.2 as a fallback option, as it is still considered secure and widely adopted. Bypassing TLS 1.3 because it is not widely adopted or downgrading to TLS 1.2 whenever possible are not secure implementation methods in this scenario, as they would compromise the security and performance of your traffic by using an older or weaker version of TLS than necessary.Reference:[TLS], [TLS 1.3].
In the Skope IT interface, which two event tables would be used to label a cloud application instance? (Choose two.)
You need to provide a quick view under the Skope IT Applications page showing only risky shadow IT cloud applications being used.
In this scenario, which two filter combinations would you use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
Which two statements describe a website categorized as a domain generated algorithm (DGA)? (Choose two.)
Which three statements are correct about Netskope's NewEdge Security Cloud Network Infrastructure? (Choose three.)
Netskope's NewEdge Security Cloud Network Infrastructure is a global network that powers the Netskope Security Cloud, providing real-time inline and out-of-band API-driven services for cloud and web security. Three statements that are correct about Netskope's NewEdge Security Cloud Network Infrastructure are:
It includes direct peering with Microsoft and Google in every data center. This means that Netskope has established high-speed, low-latency connections with these major cloud service providers, ensuring optimal performance and user experience for their customers. Direct peering also reduces the risk of network congestion, packet loss, or routing issues that may affect the quality of service.
It is a private security cloud network that is massively over provisioned, highly elastic, and built for scale. This means that Netskope owns and operates its own network infrastructure, without relying on third-party providers or public cloud platforms. Netskope has invested over $150 million to build the world's largest and fastest security private cloud, with data centers in more than 65 regions and growing. Netskope can dynamically scale its network capacity and resources to meet the growing demand and traffic volume of its customers, without compromising on security or performance.
It delivers a single, unified network with no surcharges or reliance on public cloud infrastructure or virtual PoPs. This means that Netskope provides a consistent and transparent network service to its customers, regardless of their location or device. Netskope does not charge any additional fees or hidden costs for accessing its network services, unlike some other providers that may impose surcharges based on geography or bandwidth usage. Netskope also does not use virtual points of presence (PoPs) that are hosted on public cloud platforms, which may introduce latency, complexity, or security risks.