At ValidExamDumps, we consistently monitor updates to the NetApp NS0-593 exam questions by NetApp. Whenever our team identifies changes in the exam questions,exam objectives, exam focus areas or in exam requirements, We immediately update our exam questions for both PDF and online practice exams. This commitment ensures our customers always have access to the most current and accurate questions. By preparing with these actual questions, our customers can successfully pass the NetApp certified support engineer - ONTAP specialist exam on their first attempt without needing additional materials or study guides.
Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by NetApp in their NetApp NS0-593 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their NetApp certified support engineer - ONTAP specialist exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the NetApp NS0-593 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
After expanding a two-node AFF A300 cluster with two AFF A700 nodes, you observe latencies when data is accessed indirectly. The system node run -node -command netstat command shows retransmits and packet drops on the LIFs. The AFF A700 nodes with 40 Gbps and the AFF A300 connect with 10 Gbps to the cluster interconnect. You are using Cisco Nexus 3132Q cluster interconnect switches. You just updated to ONTAP 9.8 software.
In this scenario, what is causing this problem?
The Cisco Nexus 3132Q cluster interconnect switches support both 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps cluster ports, but they have a shallow buffer size of 9 MB per port, which can be easily overwhelmed by the bursty traffic generated by the speed mismatch.
Alternatively, you can use QoS policies to limit the bandwidth of the cluster ports to avoid oversubscription and congestion on the cluster interconnect.Reference:
1: Cluster network cabling, ONTAP 9 Documentation Center
2: Cluster Network Latency - Troubleshooting Guide, NetApp Knowledge Base
3: AFF A300 Tech Specs, NetApp
4: AFF A700 Tech Specs, NetApp
[5]: Why do network speed mismatches create problems with shallow buffered switches?, NetApp Knowledge Base
[6]: How to use QoS to limit the bandwidth of cluster ports, NetApp Knowledge Base
You are optimizing your Cloud Volumes ONTAP. For interoperability and consolidation purposes, you need to know the storage limits.
In this scenario, which source should be reviewed?
Your customer installed the shelf firmware for their NS224 shelf over a week ago, and the firmware has not upgraded on shelf 1 module B. The customer wants to know what the next steps would be to get the firmware upgraded after verifying that the shelf firmware is indeed loaded onto the system.
Which step would you perform to complete the firmware upgrade?
The question refers to a scenario where the shelf firmware for an NS224 shelf has not been upgraded on one of the NVMe shelf modules (NSM) after a week of installation.
Reseating the NSM triggers the firmware update and also resets the NSM's state3.
The other options are not correct, because:
C)Power cycling the shelf will disrupt the I/O operations and may cause data loss or corruption4.
NS224 NVMe drive shelf overview - NetApp
Shelf firmware update process - NetApp
Module firmware upgrade stuck on NS224 shelf - NetApp Knowledge Base
Power cycle a disk shelf - NetApp
You are trying to deploy a Connector in the AWS cloud from NetApp Cloud Manager. The deployment fails and shows the message 'Insufficient permissions to deploy Cloud Connector". You have verified the AWS access key and the AWS secret key.
In this scenario, what Is the reason that the deployment failed?
After users start reporting the Inability to create new flies in a CIFS share, you find EMS events for wafl.dir.size.max logged for the volume of the SVM to which the share points.
In this scenario, which action should you take to solve this issue?
The wafl.dir.size.max event occurs when a directory has reached its maximum directory size (maxdirsize) limit, which prevents new file creation in that directory. The maxdirsize is a volume-level option that can be modified using thevolume modifycommand. To solve this issue, you should increase the maximum directory size for the volume that contains the CIFS share, as long as it does not exceed 3% of the physical memory. Alternatively, you can reorganize the directory structure to avoid having too many files in one directory.Reference=
Max Directory size error - NetApp Knowledge Base
How to identify the target directory of wafl.dir.size.warning - NetApp Knowledge Base
Post about wafl.dir.size.max |