Free NetApp NS0-520 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for NS0-520 were last updated On Feb 20, 2025

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Question No. 1

You want to use ANA on SUSE Enterprise Linux. Which two components need to be verified in this scenario? (choose two)

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Correct Answer: A, B

ANA Supportability

NVMe/FC is supported on ONTAP 9.6 or later for the following versions of SLES:


SLES15 SP1 host can run both NVMe/FC, & FCP traffic through the same fibre channel initiator adapter ports.

You can find more information on this link:

Question No. 2

What is the supported NVMe OS multipathing stack for VMware ESXi?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 3

What are two benefits of implementing VLANs for ISCSI configuration? (choose two)

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Correct Answer: A, C

When you implement VLANs in large IP network infrastructures, you derive the following benefits:

Increased security.

VLANs enable you to leverage existing infrastructure while still providing enhanced security because they limit access between different nodes of an Ethernet network or an IP SAN.

You can find more information on this link:

Question No. 4

You are setting up FC ports and must configure the speeds for both the SAN and the host ports. In this scenario, which statement is correct?

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Correct Answer: B

Question No. 5

In an NVMe/FC environment, the host cannot discover the namespace on the AFF system. Referring to the exhibit, what is the problem?

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Correct Answer: C

We would not be able to run that command if NVMe is not enabled

NVMe is supported on the same SVM along with FC protocol

The multipath tool on NVMe is called ANA

NQN needs to be correctly declared on the subsystem to map the new NVMe resources