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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by NetApp in their NetApp NS0-516 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - SAN Specialist, E-Series exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the NetApp NS0-516 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Click the Exhibit button.
Referring to the exhibit, which cable is an InfiniBand 4X connector?
Identify Connector Types:
Step: Examine the connectors in the exhibit to identify the InfiniBand 4X connector.
Reason: InfiniBand 4X connectors have a distinct appearance and size.
Connector Characteristics:
Observation: Connector 1 in the exhibit is labeled as 0.74 in (13.8 mm), which matches the size and appearance of an InfiniBand 4X connector.
Cross-Reference: Confirm with NetApp and industry standards for InfiniBand connectors.
Result: Connector 1 is the InfiniBand 4X connector based on size and design.
NetApp E-Series hardware documentation
Industry standards for InfiniBand connectors
The NetApp E-Series system with a 32 Gb FC Host Interface Card (HIC) requires which type of fiber cable to connect to switches or to connect directly to hosts extending up to 100 meters?
OM4 fiber optic cables are recommended for 32 Gb FC connections up to 100 meters due to their high bandwidth capabilities and lower attenuation, ensuring optimal performance for such high-speed connections.
You are setting up asynchronous mirroring between two E2860 systems.
In this scenario, which two prerequisites are required to complete the setup? (Choose two.)
Licensing Requirements: Both the primary and secondary systems must have the same premium features licensed to ensure compatibility and functionality for asynchronous mirroring.
System Discovery: Both systems need to be discovered by an Enterprise Management Window (EMW) or SANtricity Unified Manager to facilitate the setup and management of asynchronous mirroring.
Importance of Matching Features: Ensuring that both systems have the same features licensed avoids issues with mirroring operations that depend on specific functionalities being available on both ends.
Management Tools: Using EMW or SANtricity Unified Manager helps in configuring, monitoring, and managing the mirroring process effectively.
NetApp E-Series SANtricity System Manager documentation on mirroring setup
NetApp Implementation Engineer - SAN Specialist - E-Series manuals
You are adding drives to an existing Dynamic Disk Pool (DDP).
In this scenario, which two drive characteristics should you consider when selecting the drives? (Choose two.)
Check Drive Capacity:
Step: Ensure that the new drives are of the same capacity or larger than the existing drives in the DDP.
Reason: Consistent drive capacity ensures optimal performance and utilization.
Verify Security Type:
Step: Confirm that the new drives have a compatible security type (e.g., FDE, FIPS) with the existing drives.
Reason: Incompatible security types can lead to configuration issues or reduced security.
NetApp E-Series Hardware and Software Compatibility Guide
NetApp SANtricity System Manager User Guide
What are two methods for setting the host protocol configuration on the E2800 controller with a 4-port 16Gbps FC or 10Gbps iSCSI SFP+ host interface card (HIC)? (Choose two.)
Factory Setting: When ordering the E2800 controller with a 4-port 16Gbps FC or 10Gbps iSCSI SFP+ host interface card (HIC), the host protocol configuration can be predefined based on the customer's specifications. This setting is done at the factory and is ready upon arrival.
SANtricity System Manager Configuration: Administrators can also set or change the host protocol configuration using the SANtricity System Manager. This can be done in the Hardware tab, where the configuration options for the HIC can be modified to suit the desired protocol.
NetApp E-Series SANtricity System Manager documentation
NetApp Implementation Engineer - SAN Specialist - E-Series manuals