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You have an on-premises server named Server! that runs Windows Server.
You have an Azure subscription that contains a virtual network named VNet1.
You need to connect Server! to VNet1 by using Azure Network Adapter.
What should you use?
You need to ensure that VM3 meets the technical requirements.
What should you install first?
You haw an Azure virtual machine named VM1 that runs Windows Server
You need to configure the management of VM1 to meet the following requirements:
* Require administrators to request access to VM1 before establishing a Remote Desktop connection.
* Limit access to VM1 from specific source IP addresses.
* Limit access to VMI to a specific management port
What should you configure?
Task 12
You need to create a Group Policy Object (GPO) named GPO1 that only applies to a group named MemberServers.
To create a GPO named GPO1 that only applies to a group named MemberServers, you can follow these steps:
On a domain controller or a computer that has the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed, openGroup Policy Managementfrom theAdministrative Toolsmenu or by typinggpmc.mscin the Run box.
In the left pane, expand your domain and right-click onGroup Policy Objects. SelectNewto create a new GPO.
In theNew GPOdialog box, enterGPO1as theNameof the new GPO and clickOK. You can also optionally select a source GPO to copy the settings from.
Close theGroup Policy Management Editorand return to theGroup Policy Managementconsole. Right-click on the new GPO and selectScope. Here, you can specify the scope of management for the GPO, such as the links, security filtering, and WMI filtering.
Under theSecurity Filteringsection, click onAuthenticated Usersand then click onRemove. This will remove the default permission granted to all authenticated users and computers to apply the GPO.
Click onAddand then type the name of the group that you want to apply the GPO to, such asMemberServers. ClickOKto add the group to the security filter. You can also click onAdvancedto browse the list of groups available in the domain.
To link the GPO to an organizational unit (OU) or a domain, right-click on the OU or the domain in the left pane and selectLink an Existing GPO. Select the GPO that you created, such asGPO1, and clickOK. You can also change the order of preference by using theMove UpandMove Downbuttons.
You need to meet the technical requirements for Server1. Which users can currently perform the required tasks?