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You have an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant named
You have a CSV file that contains the names and email addresses of 500 external users.
You need to create a quest user account in for each of the 500 external users.
Solution: from Azure AD in the Azure portal, you use the Bulk create user operation.
Does this meet the goal?
'Bulk Create' is for new Azure AD Users.
For Guests:
- Use 'Bulk invite users' to prepare a comma-separated value (.csv) file with the user information and invitation preferences
- Upload the .csv file to Azure AD
- Verify the users were added to the directory
You have an Azure Storage account named storage1.
You plan to use AzCopy to copy data to storage1.
You need to identify the storage services in storage1 to which you can copy the data.
What should you identify?
You have an Azure subscription that has the public IP addresses shown in the following table.
You plan to deploy an Azure Bastion Basic SKU host named Bastion1.
Which IP addresses can you use for Bastion1?
You have an Azure Resource Manager that is used to deploy an Azure virtual machine.
Template1 contains the following text:
The variables section in Template1 contains the following text:
"location": "westeurope"
The resources section in Template1 contains the following text:
You need to deploy the virtual machine to the West US location by using Template1.
What should you do?
You can change the location in resources. Parameters used to define the value of some variables to be able to use in different places in the template resources. Resources are used only for complicated expressions. In any case, RM will only deploy from resources. In case the value is not mentioned directly, then it will check parameters if it is specified in the resources. Based on this question, the value of location is defined directly in resources. so you change the resources location value.
Use location parameter. To allow flexibility when deploying your template, use a parameter to specify the location for resources. Set the default value of the parameter to resourceGroup().location.
You have an Azure Subscription that contains the virtual networks Shown in the following table.
All the virtual networks are peered. Each virtual network contains nine virtual machines.
You need to configure secure RDP corrections to the virtual machines by using Azure Boston.
Whit is the minimum number of Bastion nests required?
In your scenario, you have three virtual networks that are peered with each other. This means that they can communicate with each other as if they were in the same virtual network. Therefore, you can deploy one Bastion host in any of the virtual networks and use it to connect to all the virtual machines in the peered virtual networks. You don't need to deploy a separate Bastion host for each virtual network or each virtual machine.