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Which option in smb.conf defines the domain of which the server is a member?
In smb.conf, the realm option specifies the Kerberos realm for the Active Directory of which the server is a member. This option is crucial for integrating the Samba server into an AD environment.
Samba smb.conf man page - realm
Which of the following TCP ports is used to provide the SMB protocol without NetBIOS?
The SMB protocol (Server Message Block) is used for providing shared access to files and printers.
Historically, SMB ran on top of NetBIOS over TCP/IP using port 139.
SMB can also run directly over TCP/IP without the NetBIOS layer, which uses port 445.
Therefore, TCP port 445 is used to provide the SMB protocol without NetBIOS.
Official IANA port numbers:
Which of the following statements is true about raw printing with Samba?
Client-Side Rendering: In Samba, raw printing means that the client machine renders the print job, which includes converting it to a printer-ready format.
Transmission to Printer: This rendered print job is then sent to the Samba server without further processing or alteration. Samba acts merely as a pass-through, sending the job directly to the printer.
Advantages: This method offloads the rendering process from the server to the client, which can be beneficial in environments with diverse printer types and models, reducing the processing load on the server.
Conclusion: Thus, the correct answer is that printing jobs are rendered on the client and passed on to the printer by Samba.
Samba Printing Documentation
Which of the following statements are true regarding the smbpasswd command? (Choose two.)
-x Parameter: This parameter is used to remove (delete) an account from the Samba database.
Example: smbpasswd -x username
-a Parameter: This parameter adds a new account to the Samba database. If the account already exists, it will update the account.
Example: smbpasswd -a username
Other Options:
-d Parameter: Disables (not deletes) an account.
-e Parameter: Enables a previously disabled account.
Password Synchronization: The smbpasswd command does not affect Windows domain controllers; it manages Samba-specific passwords.
smbpasswd Command Documentation
When logging into a windows workstation which is member of an Active Directory domain, which of the following user names refers to the local account bob instead of the domain-wide account bob?
When logging into a Windows workstation that is a member of an Active Directory domain, the .\ prefix is used to specify a local user account rather than a domain account. Therefore, to refer to the local account bob, you would use .\bob.