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When deploying an Orderer environment, variables must be customized or overridden in which artifact?
When deploying an Orderer environment in Hyperledger Fabric, the primary configuration file that must be customized or overridden is orderer.yaml. This file contains the configuration settings specifically for the orderer node, including general ledger type, consensus type, and various operational settings like batching, timeouts, and MSP configurations. Other files like crypto-config.yaml, docker-compose.yaml, and configtx.yaml serve different roles. crypto-config.yaml is used for generating cryptographic material, docker-compose.yaml for defining services, networks, and volumes for containers, and configtx.yaml for channel configuration and consortium definitions. Therefore, orderer.yaml is critical for setting up the orderer's behavior and parameters in the network environment.
What gRPC status code might you expect to be associated with an error invoking a transaction as a result of a transient failure, such as a network disconnection between the client application and Gateway peer?
The gRPC status code 'UNAVAILABLE' is commonly expected in scenarios involving transient failures in network communication, such as a disconnection between the client application and the Gateway peer. This status code indicates that the service is currently unavailable, often due to network issues or service downtime, making it suitable for situations where the failure is temporary and the request can be retried. This differs from other codes like 'ABORTED' or 'DEADLINE EXCEEDED,' which represent different types of errors related to the transaction logic or timing issues, respectively. 'FAILED PRECONDITION' would be inappropriate for network disconnections as it suggests issues with the request's preconditions, not the network status.
In Hyperledger Fabric, what data structures manage sensitive information between organizations?
In Hyperledger Fabric, 'private data collections' are used to manage sensitive information between organizations. This feature allows specified subsets of data to be shared among a defined group of network participants while keeping it hidden from others, thus maintaining confidentiality and privacy across the network. Private data collections enable organizations to transact privately without having to establish a separate channel, significantly reducing the overhead associated with channel management .
For an endorsed transaction, the gateway service forwards the transaction to the ordering service, which orders it with other endorsed transactions and then completes what?
For an endorsed transaction, the gateway service forwards the transaction to the ordering service. The ordering service then packages this transaction with other endorsed transactions into a block. This block is subsequently distributed across the network to all peers for validation and commitment to the ledger. The ordering process ensures the maintenance of transaction order across the network, crucial for the consistency and integrity of the blockchain .
What is necessary for a chaincode to become ready to commit on a channel?
For a chaincode to become ready to commit on a channel in Hyperledger Fabric, it is necessary that the policy '/Channel/Application/LifecycleEndorsement' be satisfied. This policy specifies who needs to approve the chaincode definition before it can be committed to the channel. It ensures that the chaincode deployment is endorsed according to the governance standards agreed upon by the network participants, typically requiring a majority or other specified fraction of the organizations in the network to endorse the change. This lifecycle endorsement policy is key to maintaining a secure and agreed-upon update process for chaincodes on the channel.