Free Linux Foundation CKS Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CKS were last updated On Feb 15, 2025

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Question No. 1

You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command: [desk@cli] $kubectl config use-context dev Context: A CIS Benchmark tool was run against the kubeadm created cluster and found multiple issues that must be addressed. Task: Fix all issues via configuration and restart the affected components to ensure the new settings take effect. Fix all of the following violations that were found against the API server: 1.2.7authorization-modeargument is not set toAlwaysAllow FAIL 1.2.8authorization-modeargument includesNode FAIL 1.2.7authorization-modeargument includesRBAC FAIL Fix all of the following violations that were found against the Kubelet: 4.2.1 Ensure that theanonymous-auth argumentis set to false FAIL 4.2.2authorization-modeargument is not set to AlwaysAllow FAIL (UseWebhookautumn/authz where possible) Fix all of the following violations that were found against etcd: 2.2 Ensure that theclient-cert-authargument is set to true

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 2

Create a Pod name Nginx-pod inside the namespace testing, Create a service for the Nginx-pod named nginx-svc, using the ingress of your choice, run the ingress on tls, secure port.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 3

Service is running on port 389 inside the system, find the process-id of the process, and stores the names of all the open-files inside the /candidate/KH77539/files.txt, and also delete the binary.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 4

Secrets stored in the etcd is not secure at rest, you can use the etcdctl command utility to find the secret value

for e.g:-

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /registry/secrets/default/cks-secret --cacert="ca.crt" --cert="server.crt" --key="server.key"


Using the Encryption Configuration, Create the manifest, which secures the resource secrets using the provider AES-CBC and identity, to encrypt the secret-data at rest and ensure all secrets are encrypted with the new configuration.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 5

You must complete this task on the following cluster/nodes: Cluster:trace Master node:master Worker node:worker1 You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command: [desk@cli] $kubectl config use-context trace Given: You may use Sysdig or Falco documentation. Task: Use detection tools to detect anomalies like processes spawning and executing something weird frequently in the single container belonging to Podtomcat. Two tools are available to use: 1. falco 2. sysdig Tools are pre-installed on the worker1 node only. Analyse the container's behaviour for at least 40 seconds, using filters that detect newly spawning and executing processes. Store an incident file at/home/cert_masters/report, in the following format: [timestamp],[uid],[processName] Note:Make sure to store incident file on the cluster's worker node, don't move it to master node.

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Correct Answer: A