Free Linux Foundation CKAD Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CKAD were last updated On Jan 15, 2025

Question No. 1

Refer to Exhibit.


The pod for the Deployment named nosql in the craytisn namespace fails to start because its container runs out of resources.

Update the nosol Deployment so that the Pod:

1) Request 160M of memory for its Container

2) Limits the memory to half the maximum memory constraint set for the crayfah name space.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 2

Refer to Exhibit.

Given a container that writes a log file in format A and a container that converts log files from format A to format B, create a deployment that runs both containers such that the log files from the first container are converted by the second container, emitting logs in format B.


* Create a deployment named deployment-xyz in the default namespace, that:

* Includes a primary

lfccncf/busybox:1 container, named logger-dev

* includes a sidecar Ifccncf/fluentd:v0.12 container, named adapter-zen

* Mounts a shared volume /tmp/log on both containers, which does not persist when the pod is deleted

* Instructs the logger-dev

container to run the command

which should output logs to /tmp/log/input.log in plain text format, with example values:

* The adapter-zen sidecar container should read /tmp/log/input.log and output the data to /tmp/log/output.* in Fluentd JSON format. Note that no knowledge of Fluentd is required to complete this task: all you will need to achieve this is to create the ConfigMap from the spec file provided at /opt/KDMC00102/fluentd-configma p.yaml , and mount that ConfigMap to /fluentd/etc in the adapter-zen sidecar container

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 3

Refer to Exhibit.


You have been tasked with scaling an existing deployment for availability, and creating a service to expose the deployment within your infrastructure.


Start with the deployment named kdsn00101-deployment which has already been deployed to the namespace kdsn00101 . Edit it to:

* Add the func=webFrontEnd key/value label to the pod template metadata to identify the pod for the service definition

* Have 4 replicas

Next, create ana deploy in namespace kdsn00l01 a service that accomplishes the following:

* Exposes the service on TCP port 8080

* is mapped to me pods defined by the specification of kdsn00l01-deployment

* Is of type NodePort

* Has a name of cherry

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 4

Refer to Exhibit.


You are required to create a pod that requests a certain amount of CPU and memory, so it gets scheduled to-a node that has those resources available.

* Create a pod named nginx-resources in the pod-resources namespace that requests a minimum of 200m CPU and 1Gi memory for its container

* The pod should use the nginx image

* The pod-resources namespace has already been created

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 5

Refer to Exhibit.


Modify the existing Deployment named broker-deployment running in namespace quetzal so that its containers.

1) Run with user ID 30000 and

2) Privilege escalation is forbidden

The broker-deployment is manifest file can be found at:

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Correct Answer: A