Free Linux Foundation CKAD Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CKAD were last updated On Feb 13, 2025

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Question No. 1

Refer to Exhibit.


Your application's namespace requires a specific service account to be used.


Update the app-a deployment in the production namespace to run as the restrictedservice service account. The service account has already been created.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 2

Refer to Exhibit.


As a Kubernetes application developer you will often find yourself needing to update a running application.


Please complete the following:

* Update the app deployment in the kdpd00202 namespace with a maxSurge of 5% and a maxUnavailable of 2%

* Perform a rolling update of the web1 deployment, changing the Ifccncf/ngmx image version to 1.13

* Roll back the app deployment to the previous version

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 3

Refer to Exhibit.


Create a Pod named nginx resources in the existing pod resources namespace.

Specify a single container using nginx:stable image.

Specify a resource request of 300m cpus and 1G1 of memory for the Pod's container.

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 4

Refer to Exhibit.


You have been tasked with scaling an existing deployment for availability, and creating a service to expose the deployment within your infrastructure.


Start with the deployment named kdsn00101-deployment which has already been deployed to the namespace kdsn00101 . Edit it to:

* Add the func=webFrontEnd key/value label to the pod template metadata to identify the pod for the service definition

* Have 4 replicas

Next, create ana deploy in namespace kdsn00l01 a service that accomplishes the following:

* Exposes the service on TCP port 8080

* is mapped to me pods defined by the specification of kdsn00l01-deployment

* Is of type NodePort

* Has a name of cherry

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 5

Refer to Exhibit.


You are tasked to create a ConfigMap and consume the ConfigMap in a pod using a volume mount.


Please complete the following:

* Create a ConfigMap named another-config containing the key/value pair: key4/value3

* start a pod named nginx-configmap containing a single container using the

nginx image, and mount the key you just created into the pod under directory /also/a/path

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Correct Answer: A