Create a deployment as follows:
Name: nginx-app
Using container nginx with version 1.11.10-alpine
The deployment should contain 3 replicas
Next, deploy the application with new version 1.11.13-alpine, by performing a rolling update.
Finally, rollback that update to the previous version 1.11.10-alpine.
Create a pod as follows:
Name: non-persistent-redis
container Image: redis
Volume with name: cache-control
Mount path: /data/redis
The pod should launch in the staging namespace and the volume must not be persistent.
Score: 7%
Create a new nginx Ingress resource as follows:
* Name: ping
* Namespace: ing-internal
* Exposing service hi on path /hi using service port 5678
Create a pod that echo ''hello world'' and then exists. Have the pod deleted automatically when it's completed