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You want to configure redundant Layer 3 gateways
In this scenario, which two juniper best practices would accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A) Allowing Junos to dynamically create the virtual MAC address of the IRB interface ensures unique MAC addresses for redundancy and avoids conflicts. C. Configuring both IRB interfaces manually with the same address ensures consistency and helps in creating a redundant Layer 3 gateway setup.
Which EVPN router type prevents BUM traffic from looping back to a multihued host?
The Ethernet segment router in EVPN is responsible for preventing BUM traffic from looping back to a multi-homed host. It ensures that BUM traffic is properly handled in scenarios where hosts are connected to multiple leaf nodes.
You are configuring a DCI VPN solution between sites that require an L3VPN to work with your EVPN deployment. Your organization's policy restricts configuring RSVP and LDP on your WAN links. While configuring the solution, you notice that no routes exist in the inet table. In this scenario, which parameter will solve this problem?
In a scenario where RSVP and LDP are restricted, and routes are not appearing in the inet table, the use of 'bgp family inet labeled-unicast per-group-label' becomes necessary. This setting is crucial in environments where label distribution protocols like RSVP or LDP are not used. It enables the use of MPLS labels in BGP without relying on these protocols, which is essential for integrating L3VPN with EVPN over WAN links that do not support RSVP or LDP. The ''per-group-label'' option ensures that a single label is used for all routes exchanged with a BGP neighbor, which simplifies label management and conserves label space. Reference:
Junos OS Routing Protocols Library for Routing Devices
After configuring an IP fabric using EBGP as you protocol, you notice that not all of the routers are showing up in the routing tables. You have verified that all adjacencies have formed, and place and configured properly.
In this scenario, which statement is true?
If not all routers show up in the routing tables despite formed adjacencies in an EBGP setup, it's likely due to the lack of configuration of the 'multipath multiple-as' parameter. This parameter allows the use of multiple paths for BGP routes even when they originate from different ASes.
Juniper Networks - BGP Multipath
Which protocol replicates forwarding information between MC-LAG peers?
ICCP (Inter-Chassis Control Protocol) is used to replicate forwarding information between MC-LAG (Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Group) peers. It coordinates the state and roles of the MC-LAG peers and ensures consistent forwarding state between them.