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You are configuring an interprovider Option C Layer 3 VPN to connect two customer sites.
Referring to the exhibit, which three statements are correct? (Choose three.)
Interprovider Option C for Layer 3 VPNs involves the use of Autonomous System Boundary Routers (ASBRs) to exchange labeled VPN-IPv4 routes between different Autonomous Systems (AS). This option requires BGP sessions between ASBRs, and the VPN routes are carried end-to-end using MPLS labels. Here's a detailed analysis of the roles of different routers in this scenario:
1. **ASBR Routers**:
- ASBRs are responsible for exchanging VPN-IPv4 routes between different ASes.
- **A. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback addresses from the other AS PEs.**
- Correct. ASBRs maintain routes to internal destinations within their own AS, and they also need to know the loopback addresses of PEs in the other AS to set up the BGP sessions and MPLS tunnels.
2. **PE Routers**:
- PE routers are responsible for maintaining VPN routes and label information to forward VPN traffic correctly.
- **B. PE routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
- Correct. PE routers need to maintain:
- Internal routes within their AS for routing.
- Loopback addresses of other AS PEs for establishing MPLS LSPs.
- L3VPN routes to provide end-to-end VPN connectivity.
3. **P Routers**:
- P routers are the core routers that do not participate in BGP VPN routing but forward labeled packets based on MPLS labels.
- **C. P routers only maintain the internal routes from their own AS.**
- Correct. P routers maintain the internal routing information to forward packets within the AS and use MPLS labels for forwarding VPN packets. They do not maintain VPN routes or routes from other ASes.
4. **Incorrect Statements**:
- **D. P routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback address from the other AS PEs.**
- Incorrect. P routers do not need to maintain the loopback addresses of other AS PEs. They only maintain internal routing and MPLS label information.
- **E. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
- Incorrect. ASBR routers do not maintain L3VPN routes. They exchange labeled VPN-IPv4 routes with other ASBRs and forward them to PE routers.
The correct answers are:
**A. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback addresses from the other AS PEs.**
**B. PE routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
**C. P routers only maintain the internal routes from their own AS.**
- Juniper Networks Documentation on Interprovider VPNs: [Interprovider VPN Configuration](
- MPLS and VPN Architectures, CCIP Edition by Ivan Pepelnjak and Jim Guichard
Referring to the exhibit, PE-1 and PE-2 are getting route updates for VPN-B when neither of them service that VPN
Which two actions would optimize this process? (Choose two.)
BGP route target filtering can be configured on PE devices or on route reflectors (RRs). Configuring BGP route target filtering on RRs is more efficient and scalable, as it reduces the number of BGP sessions and updates between PE devices. To configure BGP route target filtering on RRs, the following steps are required:
Configure the family route-target statement under the BGP group or neighbor configuration on the RRs. This enables the exchange of the route-target address family between the RRs and their clients (PE devices). Configure the resolution rib bgp.l3vpn.0 resolution-ribs inet.0 statement under the routing-options configuration on the RRs. This enables the RRs to resolve next hops for VPN routes using the inet.0 routing table.
What is the correct order of packet flow through configurable components in the Junos OS CoS features?
Referring to the exhibit, PIM-SM is configured on all routers, and Anycast-RP with Anycast-PIM is used for the discovery mechanism on RP1 and RP2. The interface metric values are shown for the OSPF area.
In this scenario, which two statements are correct about which RP is used? (Choose two.)