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You configure two Ethernet interfaces on your SRX Series device as Layer 2 interfaces and add them to the same VLAN. The SRX is using the default L2-learning setting. You do not add the interfaces to a security zone.
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
When Ethernet interfaces are configured as Layer 2 and added to the same VLAN without being assigned to a security zone, they will not forward traffic by default. Additionally, because they are operating in a pure Layer 2 switching mode, they lack the capability to enforce stateful security policies. For further details, refer to Juniper Ethernet Switching Layer 2 Documentation.
Explanation of Answer A (Unable to Apply Stateful Security Features):
When two interfaces are configured as Layer 2 interfaces and belong to the same VLAN but are not assigned to any security zone, traffic switched between them is handled purely at Layer 2. Stateful security features, such as firewall policies, are applied at Layer 3, so traffic between these interfaces will not undergo any stateful inspection or firewalling by default.
Explanation of Answer C (Interfaces Will Not Forward Traffic):
In Junos, Layer 2 interfaces must be added to a security zone to allow traffic forwarding. Since the interfaces in this scenario are not part of a security zone, they will not forward traffic by default until assigned to a zone. This is a security measure to prevent unintended forwarding of traffic.
Juniper Security Reference:
Layer 2 Interface Configuration: Layer 2 interfaces must be properly assigned to security zones to enable traffic forwarding and apply security policies. Reference: Juniper Networks Layer 2 Interface Documentation.
You are asked to select a product offered by Juniper Networks that can collect and assimilate data from all probes and determine the optimal links for different applications to maximize the full potential of AppQoE.
Which product provides this capability?
You need to set up source NAT so that external hosts can initiate connections to an internal device, but only if a connection to the device was first initiated by the internal device.
Which type of NAT solution provides this functionality?
Persistent NAT with target host allows external hosts to establish connections only when the internal device initiates a session first, ideal for specific interactive applications. Refer to Juniper Persistent NAT Documentation.
The scenario requires that external hosts be able to initiate a connection only if the internal device has already initiated a connection. The correct solution is Persistent NAT with target host, which ensures that a specific external host can initiate new connections back to the internal device, but only after the internal device has established a session first.
Persistent NAT with Target Host (Answer C): This allows the internal device to initiate a connection, and once established, the specified external host can also initiate new connections to the internal device on the same NAT mapping.
Example Configuration:
set security nat source persistent-nat permit target-host-port
This solution is appropriate when controlled bidirectional communication is required based on an internal-initiated connection.
You want to use a security profile to limit the system resources allocated to user logical systems.
In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
When using security profiles to limit system resources in Juniper logical systems:
No Resource Specification (Answer B): If a resource limit is not specified for a logical system, no specific amount of system resources is reserved for it. Instead, the logical system competes for resources along with others in the system, up to the maximum available. This allows flexible resource allocation, where logical systems can scale based on actual demand rather than predefined limits.
Multiple Logical Systems per Security Profile (Answer D): A single security profile can be applied to multiple logical systems. This allows administrators to define resource limits once in a profile and apply it across several logical systems, simplifying management and ensuring consistency across different environments.
These principles ensure efficient and flexible use of system resources within a multi-tenant or multi-logical-system environment.
You are setting up multinode HA for redundancy.
Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
Comprehensive Detailed Step-by-Step Explanation with All Juniper Security Reference
Understanding Multinode HA:
Chassis Cluster in Active/Passive Mode:
One node is active, and the other is standby.
Dynamic Routing Protocols:
Run on the active node only.
Option A: Dynamic routing is active on one device at a time.
In active/passive HA, dynamic routing protocols run only on the primary (active) node.
'In a chassis cluster, the primary node handles all control plane tasks, including dynamic routing.'
Source: Juniper TechLibrary - Chassis Cluster Overview
Option C: Physical connections are used for the control and fabric links.
Control and fabric links are direct physical connections between cluster nodes.
'The control and fabric links must be connected using physical interfaces between the nodes.'
Source: Juniper TechLibrary - Chassis Cluster Components
Why Options B and D are Incorrect:
Option B: Dynamic routing is not active on both devices simultaneously in active/passive mode.
Option D: The Inter-Cluster Link (ICL) uses Layer 2 connectivity, not Layer 3.
The correct options are A and C.